
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 22:16:10
一种商品每件成本a元,按成本增加百分之22定出价格,问每件价格是多少元?后来因库存积压减价,按原来的百分之85出售,问现售价多少元?每件还能盈利多少元?求大虾们给我列个式子,顺便求出答 (我想爱你一生一世)的英语是怎么写的? Girls are usually a little weaker than boys __________ mathematicsA:at B:in C:with D:as to Boys are better than girls这句话中文怎么讲? girls are better than boys,but boys () Maths than girls.答案应该填什么?提示词是do well in 1+1=? 3根同样长的小棒,能否摆成一个三角形?它是什么三角形?4根呢?5根呢?6根呢?(只回答一个问题的不采纳,要说明原因) 如图,正六边形ABCDEF的顶点A(3,0),D(-3,0),求其它顶点的坐标 一道数学超难的难题在Rt三角形BAC和RT三角形ABD中,∠ABC=∠BAD=90°,AD=BC,AC BD相交于点G,过点A作AE平行DB,过点B作BF平行CA,AE BF相交于点H,(1)证明AHBG是菱形(2)若使四边形AHBG是正方形,还需要在三 Usually,football is mostly liked____boys while volleyball is popular___girls.A with;byB for;byC by;forD by;with basketball is popular , and football is more popular . football is ___ ___ than basketball .同义句转换 看电视可以增长知识,了解国家大事,紧跟时代的英语怎么说啊 Put your hand on your hand.(改为否定句) you head can put hands your on your连词成句are what doing elephants the thereyou head can put hands your on youra it naturebig what park isclimbers are monkeys goodlooking do like after you cats the Put your hands on your herd.改为否定句 Touch your head with your hands改为否定句 Girls usually concentrate more on nice clothes than boys.Girls usually ( ) more( )nice clothes than 不定积分f'(x^3)dx=x^4-x+c求f(x)还有不定积分f'(3x)dx等于什么谢谢! 不定积分f(x)dx=F(x)+C的几何意义A.曲线y=F(x)的斜率B.曲线族y=F(x)+C的斜率C.曲线族y=F(x)+CD.曲线y=F(x) dF(x)=f(x)dx 不定积分 知识断链了,求解释各符合含义. don't lose heart 和don't lose your heart的区别 don\'t lose your way 【数学】不定积分被积式后面dx的意义是什么 急求写英语作文Don't lose your courage 不定积分的简单性质,不太理解这两个符号 when you lose don't lose your confdence是什么意思 定积分公式 Turn your head with your_____.Put your backpack on your_____.填空. Put your left hands on your right shoulers,please.A是Put B是left hands C是onD是 your right shoulers 改错 Turn right,it's on your 谢谢的英文缩写是什么?RT 《夜》字的英文缩写是什么