
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 01:53:51
翻译这句话The people were there,and the land---the first dazed and bleeding and hungry The people were there,and the land---the first dazed and bleeding and hungry这句话要怎么翻译 people on the grassland of _is now kazakstan were the first to achieve both riding.为什么填what不填which? The shoes of the store are very cheap (改为同义句):The store has shoes ____ ____ _____ _____. Could you please help clean the window?A.Sure,go ahead.B.Sorry,but I have to meet my uncle.哪个对?Sorry,but I.这里的but是什么用法啊!谢谢各位了! i can not help clean the kitchen.i have to go now .这句话对么?中间应该...i can not help clean the kitchen.i have to go now .这句话对么?中间应该加个you啊?还有一句,he helped the old man out from the car,这个为什么要把fro 这种分式方程怎么解,求详细方法.这种分式方程怎么解, 英语20.A clean environment can help the city20.A clean environment can help the city bid for the Olympics,which ________ will promote its economic development.a.in nature b.in return c.in turn d.in fact为什么 如图,把△ABC沿线段DE折叠,使点A落在点F处,BC‖DE,若∠B=50°,则∠BDF=—° 已知a(1,2),b(-3,2),当k为何值时,ka+b和a-3b平行? 如图3,D、E为△ABC两边AB、AC的中点,将△ABC沿线DE折叠,使点A落在点F处,若∠B=55°,则∠BDF=? I'm sure I can help you find _ bed for your new house,but now i'm heading for _ bed and a good sleep.A.a;aB.a;/C.the;aD.a;the为啥? ----( )I need ______ money to buy the house . Can you help me? ----Sure.A.a few B.little C.many D. much 如图DE平行AB且ADE的面积等于25,CEF的面积等于36求ABC的面积楼主急 store什么意思 It`s ( ) a drug-store and a bank 填空,每空一词,好的话还追分哦 我是小小介绍员作文四百字跟葡萄有关 关于《葡萄》的作文,四百字 DRUG STORE'S 是什么牌子传说是日本的猪牌,有没有详细的介绍? 如图,△ABC内的△BDF、△CEF、△BCF的面积分别为5,8.10,则四边形ADFE的面积是 I don't not know anyone who does.把这句定语从句划分为两个句子 求一篇关于大圩葡萄的400字左右的作文. 一个两位数,个位数为x,十位数字与个位数字之和为7,那么十位数字是?,这个两位数为? I was here the day before yesterday.(改否定句) 简述葛兰碧法则的买卖要点 葛兰碧八法则给出的都是什么买卖点信号? 请教葛氏法则是指葛兰威尔Granvile八法则还是葛兰碧九法则呀?这两个法则从内容上看好像差不多,有什么区别吗? 葛兰碧九大法则是怎样的?是说明什么与什么的关系的? 已知logaX=2,logbX=1,logcX=4,则logxABC=?感激. 已知logax=2,logbX=3,logcX=4,求logabcX 哥哥姐姐们急啊 若logaX=2,logbX=3,logcX=6,则logabcX的值为为什么 怎么是葛南维移动平均线四个买入法则?