
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 17:39:50
英语:用else和other填空. other,the other,else的区别 英语选择填空other、the other--The woman has a bag in her right hand.What't in her( ) hand?A.another B.other C.one D.the other答案为什么选择 B 而不选择 D 说明原因, why did you say goodbye 负因数的个数是奇数时,积为___,并把绝对值___. You look great _____ the shirt and trousers A.in B.on C.at D.to 问:You look so_ in this shirt with glasse.选择:A:warm B:hot C:cool D:coldYou look so_ in this shirt with glasse.A:warm B:hot C:cool D:cold(选择) talented和talent的区别 西蒙 莱茵哈德 英文名怎么写啊? 五年级的数学因数是什么 ART IN CHINA OXFORD HISTORY OF ART怎么样 What do people kill pandas A.of B.in C.for D.to 英语翻译By the water,there is a small pink dot of a helium balloon,bobbing in the intermittent breeze.The balloon is key.It was given to you by Pink Flamingo,a pizza parlor down the nearby Rue Bichat,whose bicycle deliveryman will use it as a bea against AII Risks plus War Risk the art of landscape architecture is almost as old ( )of architecture itself.the art of landscape architecture is almost as old ( )of architecture itself.A as thatB thanC asD than that选A.为什么,为什么不能是C?为什么要有that? Walt had very early interests ____ art. war 什么时候可数什么时候不可数?We are for peace and against war(s).s要不要加 为什么说《湘夫人》是一首浪漫主义的诗篇? 并蒂莲,比翼鸟,秦晋之好,连理枝 纷纷珠花溅绿荷,明湖镜上并蒂莲. 今天西蒙穿着运动服看起来既神气又时髦用英语说. har you finished是什么意思 Do you know the art of_in China Like the dream. You want it to how har ,itwillgo how har .Don't it? 是什么意思 Kz Chinese art视频音乐请问Chinese art的跳跃视频里面的音乐叫什么名字视频地址:http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTc4MTkxNjA4.html知道一些也可以说说哦! you have no video capture har 今亡亦死 亡:宜多应者 应: Mar 23rd怎么读 mar怎么读? 品牌大嘴猴的英文名怎么读? in_array(): Wrong datatype for second argument是什么意思 英语 my pens are in it.的中文意思