
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 07:47:15
mouse cow和mountain中ou读音一样吗 藏羚羊过马路 主要内容 明天要交 我在过马路,你人在哪里?这句话的意思 is that uncle wang's radio连词成句 形容人物面貌的四字词语 关于英语英标中类似于ow在不同的单词发音为何不同嘞?比如ou这发音在couple跟youth的不同... about,now,know的ou,ow和ow的读音是否一致early,hear,bear的ear读音是否一致 glad,name,lake的a读音是否一致watch,after,garden的a,a,ar读音是否一致teacher,eat,speak的ea读音是否一致 house 中的ou和cow中的ow 发音是否相同, cloudy wow slow中的ou或ow发音是否一致 我雅思是6分,想考商务英语高级的,能够通过吗?有什么好方法吗? 四六级没过,考雅思或者BEC高级需要怎么复习 Can you bring some things to school改错 she was still fast asleep,with her head buried deep into her arms为何用buried,如何翻译 She was still u_ about the argument she'd had with Harry.怎么填? bring some apples to 还是 (for me )me? 改错I have many books.I often it.对不起,少打了个read we have such many books判断并改错 My teachers have many books.改错 leg的汉语单词是什么 此句子可以用neither代替nor吗?I’ll never do it again.____ (玛丽也不再做了)Nor will Mary Mary can hardly speak Chinese.____ (汤姆也不会讲汉语)Nor can Tom这两个句子可以用neither代替nor吗?是不是这里有nev leg的中文是? 如何用英语描述leg I have many books __English study. Many Chinese books have___________(translate)into English. It has snowed for three days running. Leg中文什么意思 三腿椅:three-leg chair还是three legs chair三腿椅:three-leg chair ;three legs chair是否都可以? Be creful!the chair has only three ----look the boy is running so fast .--lt is hard to that his right leg was once brokeni开头的是什么 同义句转换:He is a robot that has a broken leg.He is a robot ___ a broen leg.2.Mr Wang put the man behind bars.转换成:Mr Wang made the man ___. As_____is a piece of clothing that covers a woman's leg and foot. 英语翻译 我心里很焦急并苦了起来