
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 18:28:38
抛物线y=a(x+1)(x-3)(a≠0)的对称轴是直线_____ notwithstanding-clause是什么意思 Notwithstanding any prior notwithstanding可以引导状语从句吗?比如,Notwithstanding you are poor ,I love you truely,这样说可以吗? if you are 和 if you were求辨析If you are the one.和If you were the one. were are u you are 和you were有什么区别you are my everythingyou were my everything Were are you now?怎么回答 Were are you sitting?怎么回答这是我补习班的作业,下午就要交了,“怎么回答”是上一题的,从Were are yoi sitting开始就是下一题了 ylnydx+xdy=0 微分方程ylnydx+xdy=0 y(1)=1答案是y=1 但是我做出来是y=e^x-1 积分成 ln|lny|=-ln|x| 已知函数f(x)=(x+a)^3对任意x∈R都有f(1+x) + f(1-x) = 0 成立,求f(2)+f(-2)的值 木兰辞怎么背? 木兰辞是宋词吗 滴水穿石,非一之工;冰冻三尺,THANK YOU!THANK YOU!马上要得~ 已知a>0,函数f(x)=x|x-a|+1 (x属于R).(1)当a=1时,求所有使f(x)=x成立的x的值 《木兰辞》里经典句子是哪些? 英语的一个句子难以理解Do you know how to play a game called “Musical Chairs”?给我分析一下分都给你Musical Chairs? 英语翻译at first byte=at first sight吗? 钢炼真理君,明白的进钢炼第63集里,爱德以自己的门为代价交换以后,真理君就消失了,怎么个情况,神还会消失吗,想了好长时间的, 福建三明刚刚地震了刚刚三明地震了晃了几下有人说是台湾地震了是不是啊? 福建三明属于地震带吗 三明会地震吗 请翻译成中文 不要用机器翻译 谢谢The reluctance to have more children is even more apparent in major Chinese cities that are not immune to an inverse correlation between economic progress and fertility, a paradox that plagues developed 迪斯尼神奇英语写点感受,用一点英语, we chinese are strong enough to protect the fishermen to fish in the proper area翻译 I'm Chinese and I love my homeland,forever 帮我翻译一下 China expresses "strong dissatisfaction" with US report翻译来自《人民网》英文版主要内容:China expressed its "strong dissatisfaction and resolute opposition" to a report by the U.S. Defense Department on China's build-up of its milit 滴水穿石,非一日之功 什么意思?急!我要知道的是这句话告诉我们的道理!快! 迪士尼神奇英语是不是分阶段的,怎么分的, 仔仔通迪士尼神奇英语和迪士尼神奇英语一样吗本想给小孩买套迪士尼神奇英语,搜了一下发现仔仔通更好,去买的时候售书的人说这两套是一样的,真不知是怎么一回事 文中爸爸所说的“松鼠的天性”指的是( )11点之前给10分人教版6年级第22课《跑进家的松鼠》 迪士尼神奇英语共有几集? 抗日战时期中共中央提出的三大口号是什么