
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 10:27:00
十二五末期是哪一年呀 十二五末期是什么意思 挑些水用英语怎么说? They arrived at the village 什么the end填介词 “你买水的钱还没有给我”用英语怎么说如题 Their village is 10 kilometers away( )the school 用适当的介词填空 outside前面可以加介词吗?可以加什么介词? 表示时间快的词语两个字 英国阿兰维斯特公司的英文怎么写?谁知道啊?谢谢了 What has happened in the year that followed the disaster on the GulfCoast?InNew Orleans,the Army Corps of Engineers has worked day and night to rebuild the flood walls.They have got the walls to __76__ they were before Katrina,more or less.A) which B HE RAN A HUNDRED METRES ( (THIRTEEN SECOND用介词填空 要解释 He ran a hundred metres ____ thirteen seconds.添介词. 求一本好写读书笔记的好书我要写15篇读书笔记,偷点懒,想在一篇里抄一段写一段,有什么适合的书推荐么. He ran a hundred metres in thirteen seconds.这是新概念第二册 9课 练习中的一句话,意思我不太明白.前半句是“他百米跑”这个我知道.请问in thirteen seconds怎么翻译? 三本好书的读书笔记要求:1.文章介绍 2.好句5句 3.好段2段 4.感受 也不要太多了 100字到200字就差不多了!~~~~~~ 下午三点之前的 给20分!~~~~~~~~~~ he ran a hundred metres in thirteen seconds.翻译为 在13秒之内呢 还是用了13秒.能否用with呢 求本好书做读书笔记期末了语文老师布置了一个很特别的暑假作业要我们在读完一本书并且得做读书笔记要完成作业就要先买本好书可午在书店里转了好久也不知道该买什么而且我语文功底 she has a daughter _ thirteen 填什么介词 我要写2000字的读书笔记,介绍一些好书好吗? 翻译硕士难考吗 阅读五本好书以上,并做好读书笔记 英语翻译我想考翻译硕士,但不了解考研这件事情,请考研的或者了解的留下联系方式, 阿兰·约翰逊是哪国运动员? 约翰逊英语怎么读 Don't leave your bag in the corridor(走廊),or it will be___other' way.空处填适当的介词或副词 He missed the train ______two minutes中间填什么介词 填介词:I hiccupped ( ) a few minutes.请告诉我你为什么这么填? You can't see Mr Jones.He is ____ at the moment.He will be ____ in ten minutes.用正确的介词填空.还有一个,The soldier hit the guard very hard and koncked him _____ in the corridor是什么意思 英语翻译I doesn't in office as impossible by every day 这样行不?我的意思是:你经常发Mail给我,我不可能一一及时回复,因为我不可能每天都在办公室! 北大和北外的翻译硕士哪个含金量和就业前景更好些 电脑翻译成英文