
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 09:03:40
我叫吴梦飞,想取个的英文名字.不要太大众的.简洁上口.另外我是狮子座的.女生. 杨梦飞用英文怎么写 怎么发音 我要的不是直翻啊 i will be right over after breakfastright .it_____me to think how much time we had wastedA.annoying B.annoyed C.annoyance D.annoy 将这两句话合成一句:Are you Japanese?Are you Chinese? i am are japanese.we are all A__ why did you ___so much time ____ history book?Why did you ____(spend)so much time ____(read) history book I cry so many times.So many true 完成下列句子 1 2 ,are you Japanese?No,I 3 4 China talk do don’t stranger any love safe make good time Americans _____ like to start a talk with _____ She promised to join the club__.填空题 month next month next month D.on next month Thoroughly understand a woman man is not ___标成份 1.Just like London.2.But to tell you the truth.____ ___________ _____________________画____标成份1.Just like London.2.But to tell you the truth.___ _________ _______________ she put her finger to her lips as a____ to be quiet.根据单词首字母写单词 the one bends in the middle, struggling all the way up to get more sunshine! 什么意思?这两句是分开的 Struggling once more! embarrassing 在句中是什么词性的?In handing an embarrassing situation, nothing is more helpful ...embarrassing 在句中是什么词性的?In handing an (embarrassing) situation, nothing is more helpful than a sense of humor. 请问embarrass Why aye you wearind your clothes like that?英语翻译 Love vanity in fact,i do not want 有谁可以帮忙翻译一下, What's in your handbag?主语是?In your handbag?还是,什么In 在这里修饰主语么? I am so worried that why are you not allowed me to do some housework.这个句子哪里有问题? as a child i love you的意思和语法知识 where did you get robbed of your handbag,Madam?It was at the shop---------i usually wait for my bus for work Athat Bwhen Cwhich Dwhere 求分析 怎样才能说出一口流利的英语?我在自己慢慢背口语. 《风筝》11自然段表达了作者什么样的心情 (读《风筝》一课)当我踏坏弟弟的风筝从屋里傲然走出后,弟弟会有怎样的举动和心情?请把你的想象写出来 投影机有没有比较耐用的?灯泡坏了换一个好贵啊!投影机用起来太贵了,换不起灯泡.想找既耐用,分辨率和亮度也较高的. l’m one years older than you 改错将改正后的句子写完整 When he was two years old,the child of two collede teachers suddenly and strangely stopped growing 被马蜂蛰了会死吗 懂简单英文会话的进来我要出国去,可是我不懂英文.下面的问题需要大家帮我翻译一下其汉语意思,并且教我怎么念.比如:Tell me something about your family:中文意思:告诉我有关你家庭的情况.中 You look not a bit older than you did 5 years ago.How do you ___so young?changegrowstaybecome