
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 15:14:30
翻译:A girl should be two things:fabulous and classy. A girl shuod be two things :classy and fubulous!是谁的名言? Lillian ___________(不再是个小女孩).She should do things by herself. 英语翻译Corruption(腐败) in government is not tolerated in any country that wants to achieves rapid economic growth and improve the life of its citizens 我爸爸每天锻炼一小时,两周游一次泳.My father _________ every day,and he swims _____.用英语怎么说 英语翻译 他每天都吃健康的早晨 He___ ___ ___ ___ every day 英语翻译题:为了保持健康,他每天锻炼.___ ___ ___,he ____ every day.他虽然累,但他继续学习.___he was tired ,he ___ ____ _____, What is和It is中的“is”在什么情况下可以省略?- -||| it is not only of immense size but is extremely accurate as well请问BUT后为什么有IS?省略IS有区别吗 nevertheless 与but 的区别? 英语翻译,长难句解析But neither are children expected to compare with the richer if a large family, heavy responsibilities, or other conditions make it necessary to give a child less spending money than is customary in the neighborhood. 英语翻译Newton's second law of motion describes force.It says:force equals the mass of an object,multiplied by the change in speed it produces in an object. 它叫什么名字为什么是what's its name?繁写就是 what is its name?这是什么语法规律啊, there are seven days in a week. 改为一般疑问句并做肯定回答速答,在线等 5、There are seven fans in My classroom.改为一般疑问句 句子分析,Be honest rather than clever.be是连系动词,honest是表语,后面的那部分是什么成分? 丁氏穿井 概括 cos社团的名称,帮忙取一下,谢谢大家 【急求】帮忙取一下cos社团的名成员都是女生、以后可能会有男生啦(笑额、社团是以cos萌系、热门系的动漫为主名字要好记,要和动漫有关不要恶俗,不要太过女性化、 求取cos社团名字我们社是7个女孩,社名最好是古风,因为我们cos的偏向于古风的内容,最好带一个“七”字,后面有“楼”、“堂”、这样的.几个字随意 你认为怎样补英语课好 living above the 英语翻译The booming revenue enjoyed by Australia’s largest retailers,witnessed in their annual reports showing a near $ 1 billion increase from their petrol stations last year,is occurring alongside seemingly generous shopper dockets offering d What about this coat?Is it l__________?补单词, 中国市级城市名称中以”州"字结尾的有多少啊?"州"这个字放在城市名称中代表什么意思呢? 江苏省有那几个城市的名字是有个州字的?要打一段文章,市用拼音打的.但其中有个地方的名字不知道怎么打~只是知道叫什么州的~江苏省X州~ 带有 洛 这个字的城市和国家名RT哇RT 英语句子结构分析:请从语法角度分析这个句子结构,特别是developed after weeks of research这部分,谢Many,ideas,developed after weeks of research,may not prove successful. what outdoor activity do you want to try?同义句what outdoor activity ___ ___ ____ ___ try? February August July怎么造句? 一件让我难忘的事是与家人难忘的事..作文中要有插叙手法和呼应手法..最少500字..谁回答了我的问题再加分... 英语翻译在一天中的这一时刻________ ________ ________of________ 非常感谢________ ________ 在白天________ ________ 挣钱________ ________ 马上________ ________ 脱掉________ ________ 步行________ ________ 给你________you____