
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 15:55:32
thinking about ,laughing at ,picking up ,looking for的意思 Did you ___ your clothes last weekend ( a.wash b.washed c.washing ) My mother_____the clothes last weekend.So we are relaxing now.A.washed B.cleans C.bought 选哪个? we wash clothes weekend .(改为一般否定句)we()()clothes last weekend 西游记是中国古典小说四大名著 he came back to his hometown for the p----of seeing his parents yet many people do not seem to know that memory works in the same Yet many people do not know that menmory works in the s___way. Simone de Beauvoir 这个名字怎么读? 法文名 Simone de Beauvoir 哪个是姓如题 I don't know I can get to the zoo I don't know _____ _____ ______ to the zoo 在线等快先到先得 泪水作文题目以“泪水”为话题作文要精辟、新颖的急 作文题为 [泪] 急!详 I really don't know how I can get to the nearest bridge.(同义句转换) 为什么?究竟是为什么呢? 不同情的眼泪快 请标注拼音和几音:呷哺百度说的和你们不一样。 英语翻译我想要知道Bombay Sydney Geneva是什么意思 麻烦帮我查查吧 英语翻译好像姓王,到底叫什么名字呢 Helen明年要回日内瓦吗?是的,要回去.用英语翻译 一小时前一辆火车离开开往了日内瓦.用英语翻译 “儿”化音标注拼音时怎么标啊?像“鸟儿”“花儿”“鱼儿”“云儿”“”“草儿”“风儿”这些词表拼音的时候应该怎么标注啊?急! 请问音乐里“哆来咪发索拉梯”的标准读音是什么?重点第二个音节怎么读?从小到大第二个音节一直读“ruai”,但今天忽然发现拼音里没有这个! You relative come in. are you crazy in tonight?come on everybody 如果我是一片飞舞的雪花,会有怎样的经历?(350字左右) 用even once来造句 急求大神帮忙! 选择the sign on the right means__,a:you can't throw stones.b:you can't pick the flower. 习以为常的意思 习以为常的意思是什么 习以为常的常表示什么意思 ______的乐趣 补充二十个作文题目 如图,湘中常见植物,冬天见不到?藤木?有卷须,茎圆,攀护生长,有刺,叶互生,圆形.请高手指教,这是什么植物?