
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 22:05:07
I saw some villages___on the bench in the room. A.seated B.seated themselves 为什么选A,不选B是打错了,应是“villagers” I saw some villages ___on the bench at the end of the room.A.seatingB.seatedC.seatD.seated themselves East,west,___is best.A.family B.house C.home 为什么选C,请说理由.At the foot of the hill youAt the foot of the hill you could hear nothing but the__of the running water.A.shout B.noise C.voice D.sound 为什么选DThanks for giving me __ I wan 我们家也有很多规矩.We have a lot of _ at our house _ _. 我们家也有很多规矩 We have a lot of rules at our house____我们家也有很多规矩We have a lot of rules at our house____ _____ with a lot of______housework ,she went home in a hurryA done Bto do Cdoing D to be done 选哪个..为什么.. 同义句转换:I must stay at home because of much housework.→I must stay at home.______ ______ ____(接上)I have much homework to do. 因式分解:4(a-b)²-8a+8b 某农场去年种植了5亩地的小型西瓜,亩产量为1000KG,根据市场需要,今年该农场扩大了种植面积,并且全部种植了高产新品种小型西瓜,已知小型西瓜种植面积的增长率是亩产量的增长率的2倍,今 因式分解8a(a-1)-4(1-a) 一道我想了好久的数学题某家庭搬进新居后又添置了新的电冰箱,电热水器等家用电器.为了了解用电量的大小,该家庭在6月初连续几天观察电能表的示数第一天是115千瓦时,第二天是118千瓦时, 因式分解 (a-b+4)(a^2-2ab+b^2-8a+8b+16) a^4-8a^2-9因式分解kuai What is the full name of the United Kingdom? What’s the full name of the United Kingdom?And what are the four parts that make up the Great Britain? 24÷3分之1÷(-1又4分之3) 五分钟之内 第四题 定义域和值域 1.对于y=f(x),以下说法中正确的个数是①y是x的函数 ②对于不同的x,y的值也不同 ③f(a)表示当x=a时,函数f(x)的值 ④f(x)一定可以用一个具体的式子表现出来2.如果函数f(x)=二分之一x的平方 减 x 等 一道考察定义域和值域的函数题已知函数y=√【mx^2+(m-3)x+1】的值域是【0,+无穷大),则实数m的取值范围是:注:那个中括号整个都在根号下面f(x)=mx^2+(m-3)x+1,当m不等于0的时候,令戴尔他≥0当m 一个数列题,学霸们加油, 风筝与线 作文 800字 Who's the president of the United States of American?Please write his name in English or Chinese. 同桌作文600字 每年每公顷收西瓜250吨,比去年增产二成五,每年每公顷西瓜收多少吨 怎样才能提高课外阅读能力?再过几个月我就要考初中了,我语文的课外阅读总是错得一塌糊涂,怎样才能在这几个月内快速的提高我的阅读能力?如果要看书的话请各位帮我推荐几本吧、~还有 改换下列二次积分的积分次序 I is the world first怎么念? this is the world's first accurate working model of human heart in computer其中acurate working the world has change greatly since the first computer was made 怎么翻译 小李为了测量1枚钉子、1粒纽扣和1个螺母的质量,做了如下实验:他先拿2枚钉子放在天平的左盘内,将5粒纽扣或4个螺母放入右盘时,天平刚好平衡.然后他又将4粒纽扣放入左盘,在右盘放入放入3 SOS搜集媒体上有关环境污染和环境保护方面的报道,体验人类与环境的关系及保护环境的重要意义 透镜分为两类凸透镜:形状:中间( ),边缘( );作用:对光线有( )作用; 生活中的应用实例( )凹透镜:形状:中间( ),边缘( );作用:对光线有( )作用; 生活中的应用实