
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 13:33:58
Whathe said at the meeting was ( ) nobody could agree with him.A.SO BSO THAT CSUCH DSUCH THAT长沙市一中和长郡的名师导学的题.没有漏。所以才问问的。有条件的看下P88第5小题 Nobody replied at the meeting怎么解释replied Yao Ming is a baskerball s_____补充单词,使符合句意 ———they ar talking,the others are readingA.As B.When C.While D.Since 你爱我还是他 用英语怎么说 baby justin bieber 音标OK 只要音标求baby这首歌的音标 看不懂上面写什么的 不要瞎发 "Justin Beiber"用英文怎么读,音标呢? justin biber的绯闻女友有哪几位?最好有音标. 以《我的一位老师》为题,要写清楚老师平常是怎么关心我的,鼓励我的,工作认真之类的,比需要写两件事例来说明,要600字左右. 今天是万圣节么?万圣节有些什么活动啊?起源是什么? 形容词()的道理、()的追求、()的判断、()的机会、()的麦地填形容词,帮帮忙啊 甄嬛传 菩萨蛮 歌词的含义 是什么? 怎样学英语,烦呐本人已是高二了,可那英语到底该咋学,我喜欢英语可就是学不懂,皮皮都摸不懂哎… 一道初三英语..很烦呐..How much is the dress?选一句同义句.A.How much does it cost for the dress?B,How much does it take for the dress?C,How much shall i spend in the dress?D,How much shall i pay you for the dress?为什么我觉得它 有首英文歌老是唱呐呐呐呐呐呐得是什么歌 关于描写我的班级的范文演讲稿,明天要用!我的内容是XXX,怎么样,XXXXXXX第一个XXX是名字,后面的是内容希望能有开场白,比如说大家早上好,我是XX班的XXX,分是会给的 我们班明天班会.我们小组发言 急求一篇演讲稿 只要是关于班级凝聚力就行 拼音转为国际音标是直接把逐个拼音字母转为国际音标吗?都是一一对应的吗?我很纠结, 拼音字母b所对应的国际音标. 幼师英语口语教学初探 when does john think it is the best time to go taustralia怎么回答 订正错误:The babys are in that roomA.The babys B.are C.in that room哪个错了?并订正 is our computer room new that 初中英语口语练习下载 请帮助翻译下句,句中take credit for如何理解和运用,谢谢!He sometimes cried when things didn’t go his way and he regularly took credit for the ideas of others. take credit for something是什么意思? Take their friends,start a canvass. Water,don’t forget to insert certificate copies (CE,Rohs,LSCD) and lab test,certificate of origin. certificate of origin 有几多联 I'm not sure yet还是I'm not sure either?如题,寻求原因 求英语流行歌.一定要cool10首左右吧 justin bieber在美国巡演时唱的一首叫什么名字?歌词里好像有It's...cool,cool,cool,cool~节奏感很强的他好像穿一身白衣