
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 22:41:49
硫酸亚铁转化成氯化铁的方程式 二重积分的证明题. 两支一样高的蜡烛,粗蜡烛全部点完要4小时,细蜡烛全部点完要2小时,同时点燃这两支蜡烛一段时间后,同时熄灭两支蜡烛,剩下的粗蜡烛长是剩下的细蜡烛长的3倍,求蜡烛点燃了多长时间? 计算x(x+1)/2的值 PCR退火的时间与什么有关 百香果有什么功效 百香果对人体有好处吗?百香果是热的还是凉的?它有什么营养?吃了有什么好处? 百香果功效是什么?百香果具体功能是什么?人吃了有什么好处? 缩句:我愿意当一个忠实于生活的旅行者. 我愿意当一个长久的忠实于生活的 修改病句哦 帮帮我 你愿意当一个长久的忠实于生活的旅行者吗?谈谈自己的想法 数学题2—1= 1+2=, 1.2.3大题 1到3大数学题,会做的回我. 1到4大数学题,会做的回我. 荀巨伯远看友人疾主要内容概括(简短) 荀巨伯远看友人疾 告诉我们了什么? 荀巨伯远看友人疾主要内容概括 根据句意和首字母完成单词John majors in English .He is in the English d_____ . 求dz除以【(r方+z方)的3/2的】的积分 一个英语问题(各位大哥大姐~帮帮小弟啊)问一道题目:Smoke of all kinds ___many parts of a computer.A)is bad for B)is bad to C)are bad for D)are bad to我有一点理解但也不是很明白,帮我分析一下吧,必当重谢 根据句意和首字母,完成单词,1.It's really a pleasant s_____ to see you here.2.The Three-Gorge P____ is really the greatest of its kind in theworld.3.He said that he would not cheat in the exams a____.4.Don't s_____.your dad is sleeping5.The (首字母填空)It is March now.It is time to plant trees.Look!There is l____ girl in front of the house.What is she doing?She is w____ some flowers.W____ are the man and the w____ beside the house?They are the girl's parents.What are they doing 根据句意和所给首字母完成单词:1.take a walk t( ) paik on Center Avenue.It is very fun.2.where is the library?go s( ) until you see a market.It is across from the the b( ) of the class,we often sing a song.4.what is your E( 英语题 (各位大哥大姐救救我呗!) (谢谢~!)(首字母填空)A:What shall we do tonight ?B:How about g_____ to the cinema ?A:That s_____ like a good idea.I haven't been there for ages.B:What w_____ like to see? The ad sa 有一道补全对话题,把小弟难住了,补全对话,每空填入一个适当的词A:Good afternoon!Can I ___1___ you?B:Good ___2___!I'd ___3___to buy a ___4___for my daughter.A:This way,please.Here are blouses for girls.B:The yellow one ___5___ (1)x^2-2x+2/3>0(2)9x^2-6x+1≥0 还是英语````忽忽!``晕死了根据句意及首字母提示补全单词I'm writing a p___ to my friend and tell him my vacation.句型转换1.How cold it is today!______ _________ _________ ______ it is today!用适当的单词填空Classes begi 阿甘正传中 dear,do you love me?can a bird fly?在哪块? love is bird she needs fly 来自哪首歌是在欢乐合唱团第一季第14集听到的 世界各国有哪些著名的特种部队?要全面的答案