
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 04:12:39
德语中 是不是除了支配第三格的动词 和同时支配第三格第四格的动词 之外其他动词不能跟第三格 this is ...和it is...的区别 Listen to me,clildren.I'm talking to( ).(括号里应该填me、him、her、it、us、them、you.) i can safely draw a conclusion .draw 怎么用法 英语大神回答,have,had的区别和使用,还有什么情况用have had. If you could visit one place in china,where would you choose to go and why?口语考试题 what would you visit与where would you visit 的区别如题所述 是在是搞不懂 记得初中的时候I would visit Great Wall. 对GreatWall 划线提问都是用where的哟?但是用what 可以吗? 不行的话 两个句子有什么不 I WANT AN 选择题 冠词的用法I want an assistant with _ little kowledge of French and _experience of office routine A a,/ B the,/ C the,an D an,/ 作出解释 名词的用法My parents always let me have my own ____ of life.A.way B.method C.manner D.fashion我选了B, 关于dare的用法How ___use freedoms with this elderly gentleman?A do you dare B.your dare C.dare you D.dare you to求句子翻译 及选项原因~ 央视不惜工本地直播东非动物大迁徙有什么意义啊? he is waiting for in the corner of the street.改错 syntetic leather 有个葡萄牙客人要做syntetic leather的鞋子,请问这个syntetic leather是什么皮? 求翻译帝If you could choose to be raised by robots, dinosaurs, or aliens, who would you pick? Why?这个句子的意思是这样的吗? 如果你可以选择被机器人、恐龙、或者是外星人抚养长大,你会选择谁?为什么?RAISE 问一道关于非谓语的选择题The great fire continued till the next morning,with a heavy smoke ____ in the distance.a seen b having seen d to be seen we may safely draw the conclusion that. from these facts we can draw a conclusion that no one can prevent us from becoming stronger.meaning? 是 ____the boy swim?Yes,he_______A.Does do B.Can ,can C.Do do can the boy swim?的回答 不及物动词是不能直接跟名词还是后面就不能跟名词举个例子 Gcnuine leather什么意思 非谓语的用法Lucy's new job paid twice as much as she had made __working__in the restaurant.这个句子怎么分析成分?尤其是后面这个working in the restaurant做的是什么成分具体点. The baby can walk by hinself 改为否定句 The baby can't crawl yet,let alone walk!let alone 后面接动词原形? The baby can't walk,le______(alone/lonely)run think carefully about可以用什么代替 You told me something about your life in America.It sounds great.这句话对么?(注意sounds) I am sure the baby can (speak)Chinese用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空 英语翻译薇莉雅·Y·该隐萨格拉杰克·伍德莫里哀·焚迪不要机翻的,要能用在名字上,身份证上的。 You can not talk with the baby.He is only 7 mouths old.He can not s____ yetI have l____ money .I can not afford this price(补充) 小学五年级下册第三单元词语盘点写成一段话侮辱 威风 矮小 冷笑 为难 规矩 招待 囚犯 出息 大臣 柑橘 盗贼 取笑 笑嘻嘻 赔不是 实话实说 面不改色 安居乐业 负责 完好无损 不惜代价 了如 骑的多音字组词