
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 07:59:15
Are they good at English?(改为同义句)____they ___ _______English? 同义句转换They are good at badmintonThey____badminton_____. 化学方程式计算:石灰石与稀盐酸反应生成物称取12.5g石灰石(主要成分是CaCO3,杂质不参加反应)放入烧杯中,向其中加入50g稀盐酸,二者恰好完全反应.反应结束后称量烧杯中剩余物质的总质 杨修之死概括200字 急需 从杨修之死想到什么?200-300字左右不要抄的啊 《中国人失掉自信力了吗?》蕴含了怎样的情感 has he got a lot of money谁能分析一下这句话的结构? he has a lot of money.he`s really a r____ man 科学类英语听力哪里找?类似discovery……但要有英文字幕…… discovery无字幕的版本英语听力难度如何 英语根据上下文及首字母提示完成句子.1.Beijing and Shanghai are big c_____ in China.2.I like art b____.It's fun.3.I like s____ very much.I want to learn how things work.4.He is b____ all day.So he is very t_____.5.Interesting,diffcult, 五下英语 根据上下文情景完成对话A:Hi,Wang Bing.Look______my family photo.B:What a nice photo!______this man?A:_______my uncle,my father’_________.B:He looks so tall.A:Yes,he does.He _______playing basketball.B:_______you o 其实生活可以更简单用英文怎么翻译 “为了超越平凡的生活,注定暂时的漂泊”是什么歌曲的歌词?不是“怒放的生命”的歌词吧? look like的中文意思kkkkk jijijiji 动词加ed的方法总结ED的方法有哪些?赶快,谢谢了? 动词加ed还是动词吗? 小学五年级英语: 根据上下文,补充对话.1、A:How many seasons(季节)are there in a year? B:——————————————————————————2、A:————————————— 根据语境,补充对话(英语)A:I am going to have a party at my home tomorrow.B:Really?I'm_____to hear that.But for_____?A:Tomorrow is the____ ____of____.It's Thanksgiving Day.Will you come?B:Sure,I'd love to.But how can I get to your home?Is 他们力争让流浪儿童重新过上正常的生活英文怎么说? 流浪儿童英文怎么说? 能帮我找片关于“流浪儿童问题的现象和思考”的英语文章吗?我是新手, 流浪娃娃用英语怎么写rascal 是流浪的意思? 老师要我们找两篇英语作文范文:Every one needs help 60字 中学生水平,注意是两篇要两篇.是两篇啊 急需一篇英语作文 100词 every one needs help (从玉树地震出发写) 根据上下文和首字母提示完成对话(英语暑假作业)Andy:Hi,Sarah!Nice to s_____ you!W_____ is Margaret?Sarah:Oh,she w_____ to a classical c_____ with Alex.Andy:Well,why don't you go a_____ talk to Judy?She knows n_____ here.Sa 英语翻译A.in a hurry B.in a taxi C.at the airport 初中英语有关like的词组 例:like doing sth.喜欢做某事 like to do sth.喜欢做某事 也多也好 谢 了 问不懂的成语( )皆是 ( )本本 ( )大方熙熙( ) 形形( ) It was dark.We decided to _______ for the night at a beerhouseput awayB.put downC.put onD.put up yesterday it was cool so we decidedhe mountain.填to go to还是went to It was hot ,so I decided_____A.to swimB.swimC.swimmingD.swims