
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 05:59:04
compact disc dicitai 英语选词填空 in where and sorry photo know under plant books bookcase This is a1.______ of gina's room.A bed,a2.____3.____a desk are in it.Some shoes are4.______her bed.Her5____are6____the book_______ case.A green7._____is near the bookcase.8._ 英语翻译 葱葱是什么意思?现有很多人在聊天的时候经常讲 四字词语 什么葱葱? 谢谢! 林海音的《窃读记》给你怎样的启迪? 红辣椒的英文怎样写 英语翻译千叶敦子是一家精神医学研究所的年轻女医生.她一直致力于最尖端的精神医疗技术的临床应用研究.她和天才科学家时田浩作一起发明了一种能监测患者梦境、可以窥视人们内心秘 日本动漫《红辣椒》的英文台词,十句以上 vietnam怎么读 机动车特殊车牌有什么特殊用处?经常看到到大街上的汽车有个别车牌都是黑色 白色红字那种的但是从不知道的那种区别与我们大众牌照的汽车有什么特殊吗?黑底白字这种属于什么类的?和 急求帮助,HTC Car是什么?有什么用途呢?谢谢 的地得用法.开的车还是开得车 踯躅什么意思 亲爱的大哥哥,姐姐们,谁能告我一下课外阅读答案,雁警{1}一群大雁落在湖心的沙洲上宿营,一只大雁为大伙担任警戒.长途的飞行使它们都很疲劳,倒下来就都睡着了,只有雁警警惕地注视着四周 亲爱的大哥哥大姐姐们,我还没有初三啦,但是揪心啊~急用把语文150数学150英语150物理150政治、历史、生物、地理100分当满分【还有化学,我不知道化学满分多少】我大概每科要考多少,才能上 ^_^亲爱的大哥哥,亲爱的大姐姐们,到你们炫耀语文的时候了! 这篇英语文章有语法错误吗?如有,请提出,并改正.The ways to improve memoryThere are many students who don’t have a good memory.So I have some good advice.First,you should focus your attention.So you can study or work well.Second,if chile中文意思是什么? the most weakness part in human is that people don't let things go they stick there to hold a relationship that is no longer sweet.they stick there... 请大家指点,这几个句子有没有语法错误,有请指出(不用给我新句子,只要指出错误)谢谢大家帮助①【i have understood that her conclusion is grounded on the facts】 ②【the village is named after in front of the 求检验句子对错,有没语法错误, Santiago de 请帮我翻译,AV.LOS ESPANOLES 2467 .PROVIDENCIA SANTIAGO DE CHILE comercial superior limitada union latinoamericana 116 santiago,chile这是一个地址,好心人把它翻译成中文啊. What kind of the passengers are the most difficult to serve求回答 一个独立主格 The bus was crowded with passengers going home from market,most of ________The bus was crowded with passengers going home from market,most of ________ carrying heavy bags and baskets full of fruit and vegetables they had bought the exercise enough but not too exercise enough but not too much是 ( )the fact that not enough exercise isn't good for people's health,taking too much exercise canalso be harmfulA.In place of B.Instead of C.In spite of D.In terms of Wir gehen beide zusammen indie Schule.翻译! i hate you!i have to see you!my poor girl!翻译成中文字