
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 08:53:18
别过来,用英语怎么说,口语话的. 谁可以给我提供中小学生封闭式管理有利于学生成长的辩论赛资料 如果你想要得到它,那么你就去做!这句话用英语怎么说? 求视频:辩论赛 中小学生封闭式管理不利于学生成才 明天我要参加辩论赛 题目是中学封闭式管理是否有利于学生成才能为我方提供几个问题 最好包括陷阱题 务必在明天中午之前告知啊 下午就要比赛了 我要全面的 八年级政治复习提纲(马上.现在) 翮怎么读? 翮这个字怎么读? 求一个 彗星《海啸》的罗马音标 Tt 海啸 (Tsunami) (VA3000BWAB 黑)怎么样? If you save____ coins every day,you'llbe able to but a mobile in a year.A)a little B)little C)a fewD)few 选几,为什么,conis可数吗 Explain the role of cell specialization in the development of tissues.最好用英语答~ explain the role of the ribsand the diaphragm in the breathing process Explain the role of mitosis in the growth and repair of tissues in plants and animals.最好用英语答 enchantment and disenchantment: the role of community in natural resources conservationBY: ARUN AGRAWAL Yale University, new Haven CT, USA有人读过这篇文章吗?大概知道说的是什么吗?我明天发表.但是实在不明白好多他说的 新概念2一课一练Lesson10选择题、主动语态转换被动语态的答案快啊. 翮字怎么念 这个字是复制的 characterization是什么意思 let's not go ahead of ourselves.原文中的段落:And nothing but an excellent side can win it twice in three years,should we dare dream of such wonderful things.But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. [My(定语) father(中心词}]主语 is good 如果填空的话是不是填中心词就可以了 这里主语填father可以就是说 本来大主语是my father 再细分的话就是father了 可以吗 英语翻译hold on now,let's not get carried away with ourselves. “Let’s get the tickets ahead of time,”he asked.把直接引语变为间接引语He-----the tickets ahead of time. 请问My father is 什么什么.中My father 是理解成一个主语,还是My 是修饰father的一个定语 chemical什么意思? His father is a father 这里作主语的是His father 它是名词吗 是不是主语还是要看中心词吖 动词-ed形式作状语,表示被动或已经完成的动作?例如Mailed out automatically ,the e-mail will be received by all the club members.mail out 是寄出去的意识Mailed out作状语?这句话的成分是什么?状语的用法是什么 父亲节英语怎么写 新概念1-11课被动语态句子要详细的晚上7点之前急求 八年级上政治复习提纲 新概念第二册 47课 找出3个被动语态句子A public house which was recently bought by Mr Ian Thompson is up for sale.Mr Thompson is going to sell it because it is haunted.He told me that he could not go to sleep one night because he heard 那位知道he hasn't got a whole picture of it 那位知道he hasn't got a whole picture of it