
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 14:10:06
这个女孩儿喜欢照相(用英语怎么说) 有没有这种说法 the fun of my life 我是个女孩儿 我特别爱拍照 英文怎么说 The tree,_branches are almost bare,is very old one A whose B inwhich C of whichD which The tree,_branches are almost bare,is very old oneA whose B inwhich C of whichD which 答案为C为什莫 萤火一号视频里说的说的什么 谁来帮忙翻译一下Dear junior sister,thanks for your nice advise.Since the stone is not actually ex 萤火一号 还返回地球么? Touch that tree.Its trunk is __________ because the tree is very old.这道题划线部分怎么填, 求这些中国复杂地名的汉字拼音,有没标注声调都可以:鄯善、焉耆、伽师、龙泉驿、邛崃、郫县、梓潼、阆中、璧山、华蓥、泸州、泸县、古蔺、珙县、筠连、犍为、沐川、荥经、泸定、道 英语翻译 air conditioner怎么读 The village (which) he lived in is far from here.为什么括号里不用where呢? He lived in a small village,(which)was a long way from the railway station.为什么不用that? The island ___ he lived in his childhood is far from the town.A which B in which C on which D that 看下: John is in England. the People's Republic of China 这两个国家前面为什么第一个没有冠词,第二个有啊? My father is rather __________ now and can't walk very fast.(old)答案是elderly,能填old吗,他们的区别是什么? 我不会英语. 现在进行时与always,often,forever等连用表示赞扬、厌烦等语气,是不是同时表正在发生(⊙o⊙)? 英语翻译1:he drank himself out of the best lines2:the room was easily traced by the noise that was coming from it, 英语翻译공정의 형편상 정식등록하여 공사를 수행할 시간적 여유가 없고,기술 ǡ 英语翻译(1)you did not except very much of them in English (2)you are a class of students a few years ah不要认为句子是错的,就是因为难所以才不会翻译 “莫道功名需百战”是哪个歌里的句子 我想知道几个歌的名字,但只知道几个句子.找找拉~第一个:快乐着你的快乐2:不论身在何方3:在凌晨喧闹的三四点4:我看见我的从前5:女人三十岁生活很乏味6:在千里竟如此憔悴7:我想 黄沙百战穿金甲的下半句是什么? 爱情保卫战里面插曲有句你的心事太多是什么歌 always forever 我知道它们分开的意思就是想知道,它们连在一起的意思是什么,小女子将不胜感激\(^o^)/~ “千秋霸业,百战成功”如何翻译成英语?或是英语中已有同样意思的句子? i couldn‘t live with out you love but 百战天下官网中投掷多少点是什么意思 百战天下周一至周日分别是什么进价日 请问我不会英语啊.求救 谁有The Hymn (O What Mercy) - Tim be told mp3格式请帮忙发送到我的邮箱