
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 17:22:27
1.Readers can ____ quite well without knowing the exact meaning of each word.A.get over B.get in C.get along D.get through2.What do you think of this new performance?_____,I don't like it.A.Honest B.Being honest C.Be honest D.To be honest 新东方 老师课酬不管是什么级别 给个 大概数字 窦娥冤中的四个典故 《窦娥冤》中出现的典故从楔子到第3折中出现的所有典故共有11个典故希望可以给予具体资料 《窦娥冤》中典故的作用?文中运用多个典故对塑造人物形象的作用? 窦娥冤中相关典故关于邹衍六月飞雪,望帝啼血,苌弘化碧的具体故事,越多越好. 窦娥冤引用典故的作用具体点 1.It was about five o'clock in the evening he went away,and at bedtime he had not reached home.A.that B.when C.in which D.at which 选D为什么不对?2.Facebook is to a reunion what Mindy's yearbook is to a novel 怎么翻译? 1.There is a story here in the paper about a 110-year-old manI can't imagine ___that oldAto be B to have beenC being D having been2.I don't want ___ like I'm speaking ill of anybody,but the manager's plan is unfairAto sound B to be soundedCsounding D 有关accounting的问题.the bookkeeper prepares cash deposits and records journal entries related to cash,while the treasurer prepares the bank reconciliation.这句话错在哪了?是不是反了阿,treasurer具体是干什么啊? 蒙古语,月亮,星星,白云,花儿,仙女,分别怎么说啊想找个好听也上口的,给宝宝当名字,不知道这些的发音怎么样,有知道的,麻烦说一下吧,谢谢了先! 关于accounting Fighting Irish Incorporated pays its employees $5,320 every two weeks ($380/day).The current two-week pay period ends on December 28,2012,and employees are paid $5,320.The next two-week pay period ends on January 11,2013,and employee 关于accounting的问题going concern,accounting treatments and estimates,special purpose financial reports这三个的解释,用自己的话解释.希望大家帮个忙,谢谢大家! 英语翻译如题 东海孝妇的原文和译文 谁知道“东海孝妇”是什么意思啊 心里平静用()然 take a trip to your local library and /check out①/ some of the picture books dealing with math.Unless you're sure where to begin,ask your /children's② librarians/ for suggestion.①请问这里的check out作何解比较好解释?②本文的背 如何使心中安静 请问有谁知道这题怎么做?(Financial accounting)请列出式子解答(特别请解释一下那个drawing应该怎么考虑)B为正确答案,我算了几次都是D.尽量详细一点,本人学渣. 求会计大神解答一会计题.急.本月发生的经济业务1销售产品并收回贷款 55 0002 销售产品贷款未收回 30 000 3收回某企业前欠贷款 28 0004预收销货款 10 000本月发生的经济业务1用存款支付本月发生 英语翻译请大家帮忙用英语翻译下 请教, 高一英语I like getting up very early in summer.The morning air is so good -------------. A ,to be breathed B, to breathe C ,breathing D, being breathed最好可以解释下,谢谢 高一英语问问l remember ( )this used to be a quiet villageA when B how C where Dwhat 答案是A为啥不选C阿? Tom came out of the teachers’ office _______A:very upset B:being upset C:to upset D:to be upset 答案确定是A 想要理由 upset是形容词为什么会放一个句子的最后 能不能回答的简单点 那个二楼啊 要是当副词 前面 东海孝妇从“丞相西平侯于定国者,东海下邳人也,其父号曰于公”到“敬重于公” 要翻译 急要 请各位来看看父亲与儿子有什么不同之处[各3点] 母亲为什么不让儿子出任大将军 如何平静内心 英语翻译 英语翻译 物理得科学家有谁? 想要让孩子在英语方面考个什么证书怎么办? 迈格森英语有什么证书可以让孩子考?