
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 15:55:35
英语翻译I cannot stress enough on the importance of having a responsible attitude towards self-education – learning without someone telling you.我不能强调出对自学应该有怎样重要的态度.(就是说自学非常的重要).是 英语翻译Tere is no doubt that the skylight is a pivotal moulding element for both exterior and interopr of the architecture.Light and space is the theme of the museum design.These were symbols that even the centures had been collected to represen 大家来帮忙看看这句英文的翻译原文: she explained to me that the mallets are actually the sticks you use to bang the drum .主要就是这sticks you use to bang the drum . 在三角形ABC中,CD⊥AB,∠BCD=2∠ACD,垂足为D 如果,BD=3AD,求证:∠C=90°如果添辅助线 添张图 这是原图 在三角形ABC中,BC边得垂直平分线DE于角BAC的平分线AE交于点E,过E作EP处置AB与P,EQ垂直AC的延长线与Q,求证BP=CQ 在三角形ABC中,AB=AC角BAC=120度,AC的垂直平分线交BC于D,交AC于E,若AE=5则BC=1.自己画图 2. 英语翻译我养了2只鹦鹉,3只蜗牛,6金鱼,2只蟋蟀,还有一条狗. 英语翻译乳房小怎么办?快喝阿B牌优优乳. 英语翻译Demoid.com is one of the best BitTorrent Trackers and dump sites around.Use it to track your torrents,or just take a look at what other members have uploaded 英语翻译Since locally required technical inspections and certifications are the Buyer's responsibility,necessary measures of technical modifications to the ride system are subject to a change order and shall be borne by the buyer. 已知三条线段的长分别为a,b,c,且满足a大于b,a²+c²小于b²+2ac,证明以abc为边,能构成三角形²的意思是2次方 英语翻译我不可爱也不漂亮,我真的不时尚,我从来都不打扮我自己,在有些人心目中我有些土,不过我就是我,我喜欢做我自己.是把中文翻译成英文,这是别人给我翻译的,大家来看看翻译的可以 电脑病毒是怎样产生的 电脑病毒如何产生的? 电脑中的病毒是怎么产生的? 电脑病毒怎么产生的 电脑病毒是怎样形成的?... 如图,△ABC中,∠BAC=90°,BC的垂直平分线和BC相交于点D,和∠BAC的平分线AE相交于点E,AE和BC相交于点F,求证:DE=2分之1BC 已知,在三角形ABC的BC边上截取BE=CF 连接AE AF,试说明AB+AC大于AE+AF. 三角形ABC等边,D,E是BC,AC上一点,AE=CD,AD与BE交于F,AF=1/2BF,证CF垂直于BE 一个橡皮檫用英语怎么说 sorry,there's no Chinaese type here```if you donrt mind ,you could chat with me in English..so sorry.不好意思 我这里没中文输入法 如果你不介意 你可以用英文和我沟通.(应用在网络上说的话) 看看我做的英语句子 he is the man who wants to see you.是定语从句.that he is the man wants to see you.是主语从句.如果不对, 1 꼭 결흔 안 한것들이.2 너 한테 빠져들게.3 지금 부터라도.4 왜 죄의식을 느낄까 改错改出来明明是-39又1/3,怎么老师给的答案是-37又3/4呢? The sun still shined,strong and brightly,and never fell down.还请英语大神们看后不要笑. 自己做作业一种被老师批过改错,另一种同桌发现直接改正,就不改错了,那一种好啊? 把这件衣服放进衣柜?----put this clothes wardrobe(这里没有用in可以吗?)这些铅笔是谁的?whose any pencils 0和1是否同号 0和1是同号还是0异?号 0和1是同号还是0异号 0和正数是否异号