
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 01:55:34
3道同义句转换(主动→被动)1.The boy is looking after his mother2.My mother waters the flowers evertday3.The students did their homework yesterday 三道英语同义句转换My biggest problem is that I'm too busy.My biggest problem is ______ too busyWhat I found very difficult was English grammarI found English grammar _____ _______ ________They had a good time last night.I had a good time,too 初一英语同义句转换三道1.Peter is as strong as a bull.2.Joe is the tallest boy in our class.3.He has more than 100 stamps. 英语同义句转换19.He could use computers well when he was ten years old.He ________ _________ _________ use computers well __________ _________ _________ _________ ten.20.Alice got lost in the forest yesterday.Alice _________ __________ _______ 英语 同义句转换How much do the cards cost?How much ______ Amy _______ _______ the cards?Your new coat matches your hat wellYour new coat _____ _______ ________ your hat 第三题同义句转换 4、5题同义句转换英语 第4、5题,同义句转换, 初三英语5道同义句转换题1.what do you mean by the word?2.what will the date be tomorrow?3.what's your ambition4.what else can we do?5.Which is the way to the nearest hospital? 求3-5题答案,同义句转换 英语一题同义句转换I hardly get sick even if i work a whole day.=I hardly( )( )even if i work( )( ) 同义句转换.大家帮个忙吧!Turn right at the first crossing ._____ the first crossing _____ the right . 英语同义句转换和改错题!我英语不好啊!o(︶︿︶)o 唉,希望有人能帮个忙啊,给个答案给我参考参考! 3道英语同义句转换!SOS!1.What he did made me feel on top of the world.2.Your progress depends on how hard you work.3.He wasn't well enough to return to school.是同义句不是翻译啦! 3道初一的英语同义句转换,1.we were all in after the running.2.young children enjoy helping with the housework 3.I'd like to be a friend of yours. 同义句转换Lunch gives us energy for the whole afternoonLunch gives us energy_______us for_______the afternoonA good breakfast helps us get ready for the day.A good breakfast helps us______the day______ 英语 同义句转换1题改为同义句 A:The English girl can speak Chinese well .B:The English girl is____ ____speak English well . 一道同义句转换题How many months does summer last in China?_______ _______ does summer last in China? 初一英语同义句转换1题Everyone has a good time at the fashion show.Everyone ______ ______ at the fashion show. 一道同义句转换的英语题If you don’t know“Stay hungry,stay foolish”,surf the Interent.的同义句You _____ ____ surf the Interent if you don‘t know “Stay hungry,stay foolish” 一道英语同义句转换题Although it was snowing heavily,Tommy went to school._______ _____ _____ the heavy snow,Tommy went to school. 先是两道词汇题:1、After_____(wait)for my brother in the rain,mother____(fall)ill.2、It's much too____nosie here.同义句转换:1、Millie is ill.Her sister worries about her.Millie's illness___ ___ ___.2、I don't know when I will start 初二一题英语同义句转换The boy doesn't know where he should go.改同义句.The boy doesn't know _____ ____ _____. 【初二下英语题】同义句转换1.I spent fifty yuan on the dictionary.同义句:I ____ fifty yuan ____the dictionary.2.Why not ask your parents for some money?同义句:Why ____ ____ ask your parents for some money?3.The boys seems happy. 过量的铜投入盛有浓硫酸的试管中,并加热,待反应完毕,静置片刻,在试管底部可以观察到有白色沉淀生成.冷却后,弃掉上层液体,往试管中加入少量的水,白色沉淀溶解成蓝色溶液.既然铜比氢的 (先把图上的题写了)你能把他们改正为正确的化学方程式吗?1._________ 2._________3._________ 4._________5._________ 6._________ 设氯酸钾的相对分子质量M1,高锰酸钾的相对分子质量是M2,用着两种物质制取等质量的氧气,在他们的质量比为? 求初三化学方程式好练习题我现在想要些初三化学方程式好的练习题 有A,B,C,D四种物质,其中A,B,D都不溶于水,也不与水反应,A和B是黑色粉末,将其混合在高温下反应,能生成红色粉末Y和能使X溶液变浑浊的气体Z,Z与灼热的B反应,生成无色有毒气体E,D在高温下煅烧生 在化学反应A+2B=3C+D中,6gA与8gB恰好完全反应,生成9gD.若反应生成15gC,则参加反应B的质量为---------. 有关初三化学的化学方程式我要把所有的化学方程式都要一一分类,像氧化反应,化合反应,分解反应,置换反应,复分解反应,还有制取二氧化碳等等重要气体,必须是初三学过的哈!拜托了! 初三化学 化学方程式1,实验室用高锰酸钾制造氧气2 用H2O2制造氧气3用氯酸钾制取氧气4 硫在氧气中燃烧,发出明亮的蓝紫色火焰,放出大量的热,有刺激性气味的气体生成.5 红磷在空气燃烧发出