
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 07:52:53
已知圆o:x2+y2=1,圆c:(x-2)2+(y-4)2=1,由圆外一点P(a,b)引两圆的切线PA,PB,切点分别为A,B满足PA=PB.(1)求实数a,b满足的等量关系.为什么P不在O、C的中垂线上? 修改病句:八名运动员像脱缰的野马,潮水般地冲向终点. 发令枪响了,运动员像离弦的箭向终点跑去用了什么修辞手法 On the whole,ambitious students are more likely to succeed in their studies than ...On the whole,ambitious students are more likely to succeed in their studies than are those with little ambition.我的问题是,这里“than are those with little am He is young,bright,and above all ambitious.Everyone in the office can tel 我一老外朋友想买可以中文发音的电子词典 大家知道在哪里有买吗?) ambitious 的名词形式是什么? Whit( )are you going to London?A.\;the B.\;a C.the;a D.the;\ 新加坡可以买到电子词典吗?也就是文曲星,有中文和英文的哪种,谢在哪能买到,如何坐车 what job are them 中文意思是什么? what are old cars改成单数形式 诚意 文言文翻译所谓诚其………… Come and join ___(they).用适当形式填空 make health还是make healthy请说说理由 可不可以说make no differences to do sthit makes no differences to do sth?比如说某事做了和没做也没什么两样it makes no differences to give a clearfcation还是一定要用 make no differences if/whether...... Her voice sounds() examining differences,making comparisonsm,是什么意思? camera英语怎么读 These boys would like to be ( )in the future(cook) these boys like sports.(改为一般疑问句) Sometimes I find watching English movies f _______ because I can’t follow them.(frustrate)填什么?为什么呢, The old man still wants to come back ten years l______.首字母填空. 撬棍、开瓶器、镊子、筷子、扳手、火钳、指甲剪、鱼竿,分别属于什么杠杆 The old man still wants to come back ten years l( ) 根据首字母写合适的单词 her voice sounds____.A well B beautifully C loudly D sweet The pupil told us that he (try)his best to study hardtry应有什么变化?我不要这句话的解释,而是需要为什么这么做的原因 my english teacher's voice sounds中sound为什么要加sMy English teacher's voice sounds nice and gentle sound为什么加s 他应该努力学习 竭尽全力 怎么用英语说 he should study hard and do his best? 英语,摄像头怎么说? 摄像头用英语怎么写 火钳和钳子什么区别 为什么一个省力杠杆一个费力杠杆? 火钳是什么杠杆