
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 15:46:37
怎样摆脱‘路径依赖’惯性思维 惯性思维题A买了一包方便面,方便面的价格是25元一包,送外卖的B把面给A,A没有零钱,便给B一张100元的,B收了100元,掏出75元给A.A收完快递回屋了,A的朋友C走过来对B说:“你把100元给我,我给你25 请问,您需要哪种类型的女高跟鞋?用英语怎么说? 穿高跟鞋 英语怎么说1 她想穿高跟鞋 英语怎么说 2 脱鞋,是用take off 么?谢谢high-heeled shoes 坐注意 谓语动词 是用复数吧?平底鞋 ,又怎么说?谢谢 最近很迷恋高跟鞋,请问下高跟鞋中毒英语怎么说呢? 我爱上这个高跟鞋 英语怎么说 电灯(白帜灯)在电灯电路中电感的作用是?直流电和交流电最直接的区别是 白帜灯功率白帜灯通电后随时间的推移,温度会升高,导致电阻增大.功率公式:P=U^2/R.电阻曾大,是不是功率就减小了呢? 英语翻译The incremental airfreight cost,net of regular freight costs,will be shared 50/50 between PAYLESS and the agent/factory.The total airfreight cost on landed purchases will be paid by the agent/factory. 如何处理坏了的白帜灯 扔掉又怕碎片有危害环境成分,放家里又占地方,家里总是会留一些废灯管. 英语翻译Domestic Flight Notice国内航空条款1.\x05Air transportation to be provided between points in the U.S(including its overseas territories and possessions) is subject to the individual contract terms(including rules,regulations,tariffs 普通家用白帜灯中充的是什么气体?充啊,这是我们化学老师出的问题 英语翻译Also,instead of using a clean-up height of 1,000 ft,if we lose an engine we will clean-up at 1,200 ft agl,which is 2,400 msl. 一首英文歌,女声,高潮重复着take it take it I can not take it anymore这是什么意思? 豫园简介文章? 上海 人民广场,豫园,东方明珠,英文简介 注意 是简介 快啊 急求 英文哦 介绍一下上海豫园 That i exist is a perpetual surprise which is life That I exist is a perpetual surprise which is life!是泰戈尔的吗?中文译文是怎样的? 翻译 That I exist is a perpetual surprise which is life so far,there is no evidence that life exists on europa,but the likely presence of liquid water has spurred calls to send a probe there.5096 想问的是calls to怎么翻译,还有为什么call后面加了s The scientist became convinced that life exists on Mars while___the stone.A.studying B.studyed 马克吐温的经历给了我怎样的启示 马克吐温的经历给你了怎样的启示 I will go if I can't take it anymore什么意思 I can’t take it anymore.I’ve had enough of your...I can’t take it anymore.I’ve had enough of your garbage.I can’t believe a word you say.You never tell the truth!Enough is enough!Knock it off.Don’t bother me.Get out of my face.Get lost..W 英语电影配音片段,3人.3个女生嗯三到五分钟左右嗯有代表性一点(电影内容)1、要么说一下什么电影的第几分钟到第几分钟.2、要么顺便帮忙剪辑一下.)变成4女生了。其中有一位声线非常 适合四个女生用的英语电影配音片段 某人在公共汽车上发现一个小偷向相反方向步行,10秒钟后他下车去追小偷,如果他的速度比小偷快一倍,比汽车慢车4/5,则此人追上小偷需要多少秒?我主要是想知道汽车的速度为10是怎么算的 某人坐上了公共汽车后,忽然发现一个小偷向相反方向步行.10秒后,他瞎扯去追小偷,如果其速度比小偷快上了一倍,比汽车速度慢了4/5,则追上小偷需要多少秒? But suddenly miss you very much