
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 23:05:17
希腊神话中有流星的传说或者故事吗?(比如金牛座就有它的故事) "流行"用英文怎么写? cook the fish __ the oven __10 minutes.填那个?急用! We don't know where to go on vacation.Mr.Smith _____ going skiing in Europe. 一个关于英语的可数和不可数的问题peach blossom是可数名词还是不可数名词? What you mean is that you read and write (填什么)in English and French as your native language.Right? 关于英语可数不可数的问题在做感叹句时,我常常遇到可以在一些不可数名词前面加上一个形容词以后,这个名词就变成可数的了,如:a good time (time本身不可数但是加上good后就变成可数的了 玛莎拉蒂GTS售价 请问,c#中如何判断输入文本中所含逗号的个数,然后以逗号分割字符,如123,23,56 这样的情况 JS判断逗号分隔式的字符串相等,与顺序无关.eg:A,B,C与B,A,C是相等.并且逗号的个数不确定.可以使A,B与B,Afunction isEqual(a,b){var str1=a.split(',');var str2=b.split(',');if(str1.length==str2.length){for(var i=0;i 逗号 与 破折号 的用法判断 ,请解释透彻.逗号:昨天,看见她在哭,他马上跑了过去.破折号:他最好的朋友,——一位房地产商——告诉他,最近房价下降,买房要谨慎. 集合a={-1 集合a={-10}满足b并c=c求实数a的取值范围帮帮忙 好心人 a除b,商10余9,a、b、商和余数的和是171.a是( ),b是( ). I don't know the ____names A.twin's B.twins' C.twin D.twins soil是什么意思? whose names are these,---------or yours?---------.I don‘t know all of the studens in class5,so I have-----on this piece of paper.A.theirs;Theirs;them B.their;Theirs;they C.their;Theirs;them D.theirs;They;them Soil是什么意思?可以解释嘛?谢谢 soil terrapin什么意思? I know all the ____(swim) names. product supply是公司的什么部门 this product is so popular that the supply can hardly meetthe____A offer Brequirement C demand D charge为什么B不是,那么B应该和什么搭配 求购服装衬布无纺布. 服装衬布为何又叫“朴”求答案 Demand for a product usually determines supply.determine 为什么加s,然后是发/s/ 还是 /z/ 的音 Even if you can’t afford to stay in a 5-star hotel,you can still find clean and ____ accommodatioexpensive not expensive inexpensive costly It is difficult to find a hotel to stay in duing the may day holiday中的stay后面为什么要加in? otherwise not用法double quotes can be used give a name to a output field (that would otherwise not be valid.)请问括号里做什么成份,怎么翻译,这句话. soil impaction什么意思 a÷5余1 b÷5余4 3a-b÷5余几 We often( )birds in the treeA.look at B.see at C.look D.look like 已知a和b的和被5除余3,a和b的积是2220,则a减b是多少