
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 03:35:37
CACO3+hcl=cacl+co2问一下如果形成了二氧化碳,那么他不会溶解于水吗,不就会生成碳酸了吗,那怎么会弄来二氧化碳呢? 星特朗omni xlt 150 和星特朗omni xlt 120哪个性能好? 这是印尼文 请问是什麼意思?VA lbr ta g aq saiki d vctori dpn 7eleven kmu dmn 请会印尼文的朋友帮忙帮忙翻下这张表格,从印尼发来,看不懂 有人可以帮忙印尼文的kemana Q harus mencari diri U cynk...hari"Q terasa sepi tampu..kehadiran U membuat kecerahan dalam hidup Q. 环顾四周“顾”的意思拜托各位了 3Q 短文填空.An old man lived in a side street of a small town.Everyday after supper,some children would play football in the street.The children were too __ for the old man to have a good rest.One evening,the old man told the children that he would 短文填空 急 短文填空,Most people like to eat sweets and ice cream ( ) than meat and rice .lf we eat them ( ) a meal ,they may take away our appetite.it is ( ) for us to eat our ( ) each day .when we ( ) worried or excited,we may not want to eat .when a man i What must you do when you get a present for your b______?You have to sit down and w_____ a thank-you note.The w______"thank you"are very important.We have to use them very often.We say them when someone gives us a drink,h_____ us do something,or lend School education is very important and useful.The students not only learn language but also get an education.Yet,n______ can learn everything from school.Great scientists such as Edison,Newton,Galileo and Einstein,didn't learn everything from school 黄河文明和长江文明起源于何时? 怎么解释骂人的女生 关于圆的一道超简单计算某一个扇形的圆心角为60°,面积为3π平方厘米,则这个扇形的内切圆半径? 骂的定义是指什么我的父母遇上对我不满意的事总喜欢大声的对我进行教育,可以说,是凶得连让我为自己辩护的余地都没有的.我总是把这理解为骂,最大的怨气就是跟他们说,别有事没事的总 昊加什么偏旁念字 如何获得、使用权力? 怎样计算简便 权力可以存在但不可以被使用,因此,它是一种能力或潜力.一个人可以拥有权利但不运用权利...组织行为学书上的一句话,表示不理解.在我的映象中,权力就是存在也可以使用的,可以拥有,也可 这几题怎么简便计算? 请问以下bearing和supplying的用法是什么语法现象,哪有详细的介绍,Much of the inquiry attempted could not have beenprosecuted with the slightest hope of a useful result if therehad not existed a body of law,like that of the Romans,b 英语翻译如下:An awareness of the variety of the New Wave and the difficulty of defining it would enhance your essay.the difficulty of defining 为什么会提升我的文章?还是不应该理解成“定义的难度”?google的仁兄,就请 求检查,第一题图是第二张 请问第十题图中的ab=1,bc=1,cd=3指的是向量还是模长 第6题, 多搞几个绞绞哈哈 四川话里 “嘴巴太求绞了”什么意思? 绞情是什么意思 csol基轮搞笑视频中提问第一个外国佬.外国佬骂基轮的一段英文是什么啊 收到一封电子邮件,英语的貌似还是外国的垃圾邮件.谁能解释一下大概意思.Dear Friend,I assume that this message will reach you in good health. However, it's just my urgent need for foreign partner that made me to contact you 一句英语骂人的,没听清,貌似是 骂人的,好像是Raken roll ,请教真实的是什么我根据听音大概写出了单词(只是发音接近),你们试着念一念貌似不是骂人的,很多地方比如Let's raken roll 也有其 飞机在两城之间飞行,顺风时需7小时50分钟,逆风时需8小时.若风速是10km/h,求两城