
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 06:58:42
与直线12X+5Y+3=0平行的圆x^2+y^2+2x+2y-7=0的切线方程是什么 英语中有很多表示“一些”“许多”的词,请列举,并说说它们的不同最好能举例字! 口语英语中的表示“口语”有个好像是orial的单词是? At the moment of conception,you spent about half an hour as a single cell.请问这句的意思,关于人体的.人体在受孕的那一刻.我很奇怪的是为什么是造一个胚胎的单细胞要在受孕的时候呢?女人不是有月经的 英语翻译 he spent about 21 hours in space 对 about 21 hours 提问 把一个圆柱底面直径是2分米、高是3分米 求侧面积 差的英文单词是什么 已知|a|=2,|b|=根号2,a与b夹角为45度,要使kb-a与a垂直,则k=? They asked me___ last night ,but I was unable to tell them.A.What was happened B.what happened C.was what happened D.what it happened请说明原因 判断题:一个圆柱的底面周长不变,高扩大到原来的两倍,它的侧面积就扩大到原来的4倍.() 中度脱水的临床表现,下列哪项是错误的 A.精神萎靡或烦躁不安 B.皮肤弹性较差 C.眼窝、前囟明显凹陷 D.四肢厥冷、血压下降 E.哭时泪少,尿量减少 本题正确答案:D 题解:中度脱水表现为: What _____ you _____ yesterday?We ______ our homework.(do) .What did you do yesterday?后面这句是"We did our homework.",还是"We were doing our homework."呢? I asked them what they t_______ about the movie. asked them what they t after movies填什么?T后I asked We get the ______(freeze) fish from the shop. 求下列曲线在给定点的切线以及法线方程:y=sinx,(3/2 π,-1) He asked me if I was coming the next day. 他问我第二天你是否会来这里. He asked me ____ you ____ ____ the next day. he asked me what i _____(will) do the next day Mother asked me where I____the next day.A.would goB.will goC.am goingD.went i want to give them ()time answer the phonea little a lot little few on the newspaper还是in the newspaper on the newspaper 和in the newspaper有什么区别 报纸上的消息是用in还是用on the newspaper? 2013最新"十大畅销水管品牌"排名有哪些? in the newspaper 还是on关于magazine呢 在报纸上看到.消息,是in the newspaper 还是on the newspaper 向阳印刷厂2007年的利润为x万元,2008年的利润比2007年增加了10%1、用代数式表示2008年的利润2、如果x=30,问2008年的利润比2007年增加了多少万元? 比如去年亏损10000元,今年盈利20000元.那么提所得税的分录怎么做? 某公司去年盈利为-155万元(即亏损155万元),今年盈利25000万元(2.5亿),业绩同比增长多少?如何计算? 甲乙两个体户做生意 甲盈利30% 乙亏损20% 乙的资本是甲的二分之一 已知两人现有资本共12035元 两人原有资本多少元 算数法