
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 01:04:18
Bill,come and chat with me.否定句 they had a good time in the park last Sunday.一般疑问句 当年林徽因放弃徐志摩,跟梁思成结婚之后,梁思成问林徽因:“你为什么选择了我?”林徽因笑笑,淡淡地说了一句话:“看样子,我要用一生来回答你这个问题.”再三咀嚼一代才女的机智与幽 金岳霖梁思成徐志摩与林徽因的爱情故事大哥详细一点行不 为什么金岳霖、梁思成、徐志摩都喜欢上了林徽因?为什么林徽因后来选择了梁思成? 把原单词的第一个字母变成别的字母,并把这些词变为新单词.will ()illname ()amehot ()otlife ()ifefive ()ivefox ()oxten ()entown ()own glass ()lass 徐志摩陆小曼金岳霖林徽因梁思成之间的故事他们之间的爱情故事. KISS啥意思? Good morning this morning to eat what ah 怎么读 我想问下 有关十二生肖的名言警句 有哪些? 两次中日战争是什么 吻有什么意义 good morning,smelly good morning应该回答什么 直接引语变间接引语What difference does if make?Tom aske jim 德语的“再见”怎么说? 那种鸟可以在水底“飞翔”? 什么鸟能在水底"飞翔"? you should go to see a doctor.后句无 I s____ that you should go to see a doctor. You should go to see a doctor否定句 要怎样改"Tom asked Mary,'Are you form Australia?"为间接引语? You look bad.You should go to the c_______ to see a doctor 如何将He asked,“How did you find it,mother?” 变成间接引语呢如何将He asked,“How did you find it,mother?” 变成间接引语,且符合He asked his mother ____ _____ _____ found it. 这三个空.请赐教,谢谢. 该写句子:1.She doesn't even know what electricity is.(改为一般疑问句)2.We can buy sweets in packets.(就 in packets部分提问)3.I can tell you what it looks like.(改为一般疑问句)4.Electricity is much more dangerous tha 中国有几种语言几种文字 Do you know what this is?什么句子成分 我国目前有多少种语言和文字 I asked your secretary if she _______(can)come. 紫藤萝瀑布——那时的说法是,华和生活腐化有什么必然联系,你知道是指什么年代么 she asked me __ she could come in and have a drink .A.that B.if C.which D.what 选项是?请说明原因 he asked why are you late for class tom 换间接引语 do you know_______?A.how old is he B.what his job is C.what is his name