
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 08:53:03
卡口灯泡 螺旋口灯泡有什么不一样? 那种放进去一摁一扭就装好的灯泡是卡口灯泡还是螺旋口灯泡? she wore a dress to the party that was more attractive than___A.the other girlsB.those of any other girlsC.other girl'sD.that of the other girls选择什么 是不是有什么固定搭配下面五个答案全错的 书上答案是D 有没有纠正普通话发音的词典 没有带普通话读音的温州方言字典呢 请问"新明解国语词典"是什么词典?日日的词典么?请问"新明解国语词典"是什么词典?1,日日的词典么?2."新明解国语词典"这是全称么?3,好么?4,请附注一张最新版词典的图片 英语翻译我们老师说是 自他离开这里 我就没收到他的信. 翻译the scientists haven't heard from it yet 1.she saw her sister off at _____last friday A the Beijing railway station B Beijing railway statio书本上明确说,火车站的名词前,不用定冠词的,可是为什么答案里又说是需要加的呢?举一个例子,他到了站台,he arrives She saw the beijing opera show last friday.画线部分提问.画线部分是last friday 星期天,李叔叔来车站保持公共秩序.修改病句 星期天王叔叔来到车站保持公共铁序改病句好难 could you tell me when the dance party______ a.begin b.begins c.will begin.到底是B还是C啊,请说出理由 有没有英语字典带有真人发音的? Could you tell me when the dinner party___(begin)?begin 应用什么形式? KK 美语发音真人版的词典我想要一个能发真声的KK音标的美语发音的词典软件我找了几天也找不到,那位大侠帮帮忙 请提供一个适合N73使用的英语字典可真人发音的我想安一款软件,能让手机达到与电子词典真人发音的效果 14.you have seen jane in her office last friday; she's been out of town ofr two weeks.a:couldn'tb:mustn't c:wouldn't d:shouldn't She had been in the office for days before anyone spoke to her.这是书上的一句话,但是我感觉他错了,anyone 应该用在否定句和疑问句,而不是这句肯定句,对么?还有before这句的用法 它都是放在句子前面 就表 you can't (see)___him in her office last monday;he's been out of town for a month.空格应该如何填写? 李伯伯在车站保持公共怎么(修改病句) 8.I don’t know tomorrow.Can you tell me?[难]8.I don’t know tomorrow.Can you tell me?[难]A.when we started B.when did we start C.when we will start D.when will we start选啥 为啥?晕 是know后面 但应该是陈述句吧 直接排除B.D 选择:I don't know ___he'll come tomorrow,____he come ,I'll tell you.A.whether;if B.whether,whether; C.if,whether为什么? 卉可以组什么词. my brother ___back in two days .A.comes B.will come C.has come D.came It's five years since Mike____to Tibet.A.came B.has been C.will come D.is coming I requested that he ---------an hour earlier .A.came B.comes C.will come D.come选什么,然后Please tell me 为什么 What did you do last Friday?怎么回答 what _____she ____(find) in the garden lastwhat _____she ____(find) in the garden last morning she _____(find) a beautiful butterfly 修改病句:王叔叔在东站保持公共秩序 When the government office building was under __fire ,the crowd got into __panic.请填冠词(或者根据需要不填),并说明理由! the building is on fire改成there be结构