
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 09:29:31
_______ have five good friends.A.Jim B.My sister C.Bill and Peter D.Peter 一、填所给词的正确形式.1.What __ your friend __(look) like?2.My sister __(have) a medium build.3.Paul always __(wear) a blue skirt.4.Xu Qian loves __(tell) jokes.5.Stop __(run) in the classroom.6.They like __(reads) and __(play) chess.7.Cl 高中定语从句(要解析,O(∩_∩)O谢谢)Is the lab ____the foreigners visited yersterday?A.that B.where C.in which D.the one为什么答案是D? 一到高中定语从句,请详解Hearing the loud noise,the mother hurried to the balcony,【】she could see her children playing in the yard.A.form where B.where C.which D.for which请问为何选A?介词后不是要用which么?不懂, I think this is the most interesting thing _____has happened to us 一道高中定语从句(要解析)It is the second time ______ you have made such a mistake.A.that B.when 仿照例句写句子,将句子的时态由 一般过去式,改为 现在进行时 我想取一个英文名,我的名字叫双双,女的,你们觉得取什么英文名好听,而且跟我的名字有关比如sun shine ,summer之类的 but she didnot know anyone who would help her plow up the garden.翻译 求翻译!Chicken little was in a gentleman 's garden,where she had no right to be. then she waters the garden请翻译有答必采纳 miss you She gets up late and often _the early bus马上要 the water is ——hot;She feels ——hungry;He has ——friends here,用 a little .、 a felw ,little ,.few 填空.怎么填啊. He is driving ( ) the car.A in front.B in the front of.C in front of.D at front driving a car, my father answers a phone call. 这样用可以吗?求分析 请问外国人是怎么用英文称呼百度的 异性老外对我的英语称呼,小女子的老板,华裔美国人,比我大很多,平时很照顾我,关系还不错,以前喜欢称呼我为little sister.但是最近,语气变的更亲切了,比如my little princess,my angel之类.请问这是 人与自然界的关系辩证分析人类合理利用自然界的话会怎没样,否则的话会怎没样? 有哪些阅读和写作的高招 he will make lots of friends at his new school.改一般疑问句,并做肯定回答 he has few friends in the new city ,( ) he A hasn't B doesn't C does D did The boy is not happy at the new school.He has ________ friends there.为什么用few,为什么不用little 如何教语文阅读和写作? 在人类社会早期,人与自然之间的关系主要是? 在人类社会早期人与自然之间的关系主要是什么 在人类社会早期人与自然之间主要是什么共存关系 人与自然界究竟是成什么关系? Would like_____(some tea)? It is reported that two men were killed in a car about early this morning. 这个句子有错误吗? It so___that two men were caught in the act of hunting wildlife in Daxinganling.a.occurredb.happenedc.took placed.arose请问这道题是考什么知识点的?要选哪一项?请说明下原因,最后帮我翻译一下句子. 蟑螂的生存温度是多少,多少度的低温会死亡?冬天打窗户,可不可以利用室外的低温杀死它们.