
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 14:23:46
I.. love you, and I.. need you什么意思 Tom is ___ his mother 在in at off between on down to of about behind中选. It was an unforgettable experience.[英译汉】 it is far from easy to go plastic-free.这里的easy做什么成分? If you go swimming in summer,don't forger _____ better swimmers have died in water.A what B that C which D who选哪个?理由? we had great fun ___ in the water 1.play 2.swimming 3.sang 4.swam sam smith i m not the only one. I‘m short,but sam's shorter. [It's windy and coid.We can play with snow.We wear wearm clothes ] [It's windy and coid.We can play with snow.We wear wearm clothes ] 什么意 He's c_____ buying a car .The home is far away from him 首字母填空给首字母填空He's c_____ buying a car .The home is far away from him He_____his car and drove away at a high speed.A.start B.started C.begin D.began 英语六下 当你想问别人去广场的路时,应该说 有人问你’how can i get to the hospital?你可以回答 谁有6A Unit3 Spending a day out together的答案? He found a job ______ an engineer in a big company. Neither of us is a doctor中为什么用is而不用are either of和neither of 后面是用is 还是are啊 该词来自于美国片《i am sam》 -----Do you often go tothe movies with your mother?-----No,just ____.A.some times B.sometimes C.sometime D.sometime How your English going learning Much! 这句话是什么意思? 急求! 翻译器翻译出来的不懂啊 Please see attached for the issue that is being called out.called out i have a ticket for you ,which will ____free entry into the cinema.A.guarantee B.promise C.access D.provide为什么不选D 帮取个英文名吧,根据中文,刘汉霞. 有一部电影说是一个科学家利用卫星使地球变得很冷是什么电影还有是那些人最后躲到一个什么基地里才幸免遇难 _____(对他的能力印象深刻),the director eventually decided to offer him the job (impress ) 英语:Please help us to arrange the inspection according our attached application.Please help us to arrange the inspection according our attached application.我这样写可以吗?请根据附件中的申请表为我们安排验货. 英语翻译翻译As the farmer interviewed applicants for the job,he received a steady streamof refusals. Win+Break键怎么按啊 请问现在北京五环以内汽车尾号限行包括5环主路吗 watch DVD还是see DVD 为什么,重在理由求求求求求 Black stripe adhesive tape怎么翻译 it's a long way to get to the hospital from here同义句转换_____ _____ ______the hospital from here_______a long way