
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 00:17:50
AB两辆车同时从甲乙两地相对开出,A的速度是B的125%,两辆车相遇后,B行驶20小时到达甲地,求他们多少小时 《鲁宾逊漂流记》分析鲁滨逊人物形象 鲁宾逊漂流记好段赏析好端和赏析各只要100字就行,不要多赏析:对这段文字的点评。 a hurry的词性是什么? 判断函数奇偶性要不要看定义域? 如何判断函数的定义域与奇偶性?.. hurry和immediately除了词性 意思上有什么区别 英语翻译ARTIST:JOHN DENVER TITLE:BLUES MY NAUGHTY SWEETIE GIVES TO ME LYRICS:"All right.Stand by.Here we go.Blues My Naughty take seventy-four." "Oh,shit.I hope I don't screw up." Now there are blues that you get from happiness There are blues th do the cleaning和do some cleanig的区别 15分钟高中语文试讲需要注意什么下面听课的应该都是老师,请问还需要互动吗?他让我选一个最拿手的去讲,什么样的比较合适,古文还是现代文呢 要进行一次高中语文的20分钟试讲面试,应该注意些什么呢?如何准备?选什么样的课文更容易获得好评呢呢? Your proposal was ______ better than the one he had just put forward at the meeting,……(1)Your proposal was ______ better than the one he had just put forward at the meeting,so we refused then both.(A) not (B) far(C) much (D) no 并说明理由(2) Finally the manager adopted the best proposal---had been put forward at the meetingA ,whichB,thatC,whatD,as At last he ____ the suggestion that I put forward at the meeting.A.adapted B.adjusted C.adopted D.admitted 王冕的白梅中的芳尘什么意思 王冕的白梅要的是意思不是赏析要快! This question he raised at the meeting is worth discussing同义句This question he at the meeting deserves to? At the meeting they focused their attention on the pollution problem.翻译句子 Mr.smith proposed the problem worth paying attention to be discussed at the meeting.怎么看出worth paying attention to be discussed at the meeting.是介词短语 王冕写的白梅中桃李的意思是什么 蜜蜂的象征意思是什么? 蜜蜂是什么象征 英语单选翻译Unemployment is on the increase.A growing number of young people,-----,are finding themselves out of work填in particular 为什么不能填as a result? 在固定短语中do some clean some 需不需要变成any 那年,小妹因为受伤住进了医院,我去陪护.同病房有一个女孩,她是因为车祸住进来的,一直昏迷不醒.女孩美女 1、“母爱的力量”是什么?(请用文中的一句话来回答)2、医生说“这是个奇迹” 母亲可以拯救一切 那年,小弟因为受伤住进了医院,我去陪护.同病房有一个女孩,她是因为车祸住进来的,自住进来的那天起,她就一直昏迷不醒. 女孩在昏迷中不停地喊着:“妈妈,妈妈!” the other,others,any other,other的用法有什么不同 They discussed how they should process the problems.They discussed __ __ process the problems.主语从句 句型转换 英语翻译1.There used to be a tall tree in front of our classroom---?A.used there B.didn't there C .wasn't it D.did it 英语翻译She really____.She always making noises and when I remind her,she always makes rude remarks.A.turns me over B.turns me down C.turns me off D.turns me out句子翻译 :1.当他在阅读这本书的时候,他经常根据要求调整速度.2 I usually ___ my partens clean our house and do some___第一个空选择 B.helps C.ask D.carry第二个空选择 C.reading I usually do some___(clean) on Sundays.give your reason!