
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 19:21:04
[英]2道英语题、能详解的进、1、The lady said she would buy a gift for her daughter with ____.A.20 dollars remained B.remaining 20 dollars哪个答案是对的?还是2个答案都可以?请说下原因.2.The question discussed yesterday's 1.Don't rush through life.It is the journey that______,not the destination.A.matters B.counts C.is important D.all the above2.The necklace he ____800 dollars was actually made of glass.A.spent B.paid for C.cost D.bought for 1.The Beijing Olympic Games has been the biggest ________Games in the world.A live B lively C alive D living求四个词之间的区别?2.If you ____________the nature in farming,you will do more work and get less harvest.A go against B go withC work ——we are wonder _______the relationship between France and China is good again now?——because the two countries have common national benefitsA why it is that B why it is C that it is why D it is why Beijing made its decision to cancel the May They are bananas怎么变为单数句子 Are they students?(改为单数句) 小鬼当家3英文简介小鬼当家3英文简介需要短一点儿的! 英国 为什么中国根英国经济差距那么大呢?为什么中国根英国经济差距那么大呢?那么大一个小国.英国来说面积不大.资源不多的国家.最起码跟中国是没法比的.而且英国在二战被德国蹂躏的不 小鬼当家内容简介 小鬼当家三部的英文主要内容 19世纪初英国经济发生革命性的变化指什么 英语翻译1、scanning for known viruses.2、this will affect more than one file,continute?3、diskette compression successfully completed.4\since a virus was ditected,rebooting is recommended to minimize the possibility of further infeetion.5、pl 说一下中国古代四大发明及作者, 根据材料四并结合所学知识,说明英国人民为什么会做出这样的选择 根据所学知识,说明香港是怎样论为英国的殖民地的 结合所学的知识,你认为英国资产阶级革命与英国工业革命之间有什么关系? 求电影《ET》,《人鬼情未了》,《小鬼当家》的英语观后感300词左右 介绍一下英国的基本常识 小鬼当家 花栗鼠 的观后感英文版急需要小鬼当家 花栗鼠 的英文影评啊100-200个单词就好啊! what can i do next time?time and time?time~ The next time you hear music somewhere,be 55 .It might change the way you do things.55怎么填为什么55空填careful而不是quiet? 中国古代四大发明是什么? 中国四大发明是什么? 四大发明是什么? 中国的四大发明是什么 We have an Art Festival each year at our school (对have an Art Festival提问)谢谢拉 we have[ an art festival]at our school each year 对括号内所给词提问题目是空格空格空格you空格at you school each year We have (an Art Festival ) at our school each year 对划线部分提问 为什么自19世纪中期以来英国君主立宪制逐渐保守,议会作用下降 英国议会改革的原因 .I'm sorry to keep you ___ for a long time.A.to wait B.waiting C.wait D.waited When a person who is not love, he can fall in love with anyone around是什么