
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 20:13:30
在long jump中形容跳的远用什么词?用long还是far I'm in (the long jump).对括号内的部分提问 This Is a Man’s World Christina Aguilera 对生活没有了希望被命运伤的很深.对这整个世界都已不感兴趣.很累很累.一点希望都不敢奢望了.总是很傻很天真的相信命运,可它却让时间将我慢慢的侵蚀,那些我爱的人们.到现在都还不知道 The tall boy wins the game.改为同义句The __ ___(两空)the game is the tall boy. David jumped _ in the long jump.He won the geme! Li Kai jumped ( ) in the long jump.He won the game.A.furthest B.highest C.longest The Chainese team wins the game的过去式我的问题就在上面 q求英文名,最好有Rong的谐音~ "随缘自适, _______ students are learning English in China now.A Millions of B several millions C Million of 英语翻译帮我翻译一下这样.要无烦恼要无愁,本分随缘莫强求.无益语言休出口,不干己事少当头.人间富贵化中露,纸上功名水上漂.看破世情天理处,人生何用苦营谋.有有无无且耐烦,劳劳碌碌几 Lily has met some famous singers all over China.和Lily has met some famous singers __________China.同一表达形式 请问"all your dream will come true,right away"是哪首歌的歌词?绝对不是SES那首~~我这首比较旧~~~2000年已经有啦~~麻烦~~ 怎么写许愿卡 许愿卡怎么写 大乐斗许愿卡怎么获得,大乐斗怎么许愿 随心、随性、随缘. 随心随性随缘是什么意思 随心不随性是什么意思 叫人如何冷静正确:面对赤裸裸的伤害与欺骗.不去埋怨.悠然,随心,随性,随缘!(这话全意思,) 随心☆随意☆随缘☆里面包含什么意思? I know some film actors who v什么?根据首字母及句意填空 I know some film actors who v( some film stars are very p___ among students what will yoube when you grow up(回答) 1.a green hand 2.it rains cats ant togs3.black tea的意思1.A、经验丰富的手 B、新手 C、绿手2.A、天下狗和猫 B、倾盆大雨 C、毛毛细雨3.A、黑茶 B、红茶 C、绿茶 英语翻译需要录入该职位,但不太清楚应该如何翻译. 求类似BLACK TEA 红茶 GREEN HAND 新手 这样的中英文差异的词组.越多越好.句子 习语 也可以. 猜猜下列与颜色有关的表达 1,black tea 2,black coffee 3,a black sheep 4,a green hand5,a green Christmas 6,brown sugar 7,black clouds 8,a white lie 10,white elephant 相关媒体应加大宣传力度 英文翻译 Dear,please please don't worry,my love is much intense than you.什么意思 Some of the film stars had been ____(sing)before they entered the film industry常州、镇江市2011中考试卷答案是singers求解释