
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 01:49:57
there is a picture on the wall.改成复数句 There is a boy under the tree 否定句怎么写 Please______at the picture.______!There is a boy under the tree.【用watch,read或see填空】 on the photo对吗,应该是in the photo吧,可不可以这样写:There is a child in the photo in picture A 水中含有___分子,氢气中含有___分子,氧气中含有___分子.那么,水电解过程中分子变化是_____ 函数y=ln(-X^2+X+2)/X的定义域函数y=ln(-X^2+X+2)/X的定义域 x要不等于0吗 函数y=√(9-x^2)/ln(x-1)的定义域是? 函数y=√4-x + ln(x-2)定义域为?(A)(0,4) (B)(2,4] (C)(2,4) (D)(2,+无极限) 求2个氧分子物质的量和质量 2g氧气的分子个数与物质的量 2mol氧气的分子个数与质量 There is a bottle under the tree.划线提问(a划线) Is the baseball under table.错在哪 the cat is (under the table).对括号中的部分提问 1.Peter found (a wallet) under the table.(划线提问,在()里) ___ ___Peter___under the table? a²/a-1-a-1? (-2)的2010次方乘以(-7)的2009次方乘以(-143)的2008次方乘以(1/2002)的2008次方的答案是多少? 计算(a^1/2+b^1/2)²=? 用in over under on in in front near 篇作文 60字就够了 4x^2-8x因式分解 The man ___ Mr Zhao is my favouriter teacher.介词填空 on ,in ,near ,over ,under ,behind,in front 4x^2-8x-3因式分解 一元一次方程 (28 12:27:7)1.   1-(2x-5)分之6=(3-x)分之42.   (1.5x-1)分之3-x分之0.6=0.53.   (y+2)分之4-(2y-3)分之6=0注意:里面是括号没有的,可是第 代数法 甲数除以乙数,商是13,余数是3,已知甲数比乙数多135,求甲乙两数个是多少? 数学初一一元一次方程的习题并给答案 只要不是填空题就可以了 好了我有财富! 用in,on,near,between,next to,behind,in front of,用in,on,near,between,next to,behind,in front of,in the front of,above,under 看图,选择in、on、under、behind、next、to完成句子.1.The cat is _____________the chair.2.The shoes are _____________the bed.3.The magazine is _____________the box.4.The chair is ________________the bed.5.The box is _________________the bed on,under,in,between,next to,behind,infontof这七个单词分别是什么意思? between on in at in front of next to under behind after like(1)Let's meet_____the bus station.(2)There are some books___the room.(3)We can study the subject____TV.(4)Please look___my son when I'm not at home.(5)There is a dresser__the wall.(6)You can 用in,on,under或behind填空I have a nice and clean room .There is a small desk 1.____ the room .My clock is 2.____ the desk .The soccer ball is 3.____ the bed .My schoolbag is 4.____ the door of the room .My pen and eraser are not 5.____ the pencil 写房间的作文(英语)要用介词in,on,under,behind30词左右 1/4×0.75+0.25×3/8+25%×1/8 代开增值税专用发票一个客户一个月可以开几张发票吗? 现在很多卖17%增值税专用发票的皮包公司,只收7%的费用,他们是怎么赚钱的?