
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 01:09:38
句孑的意思 孑口什吗意思 ____ such a good chance,why don't you have a try?A.To give B.Having C Given D.giving选B having 好像也没有错误.如:Since you have such a good chance,... ___such a good change,he planned to learn moreA:To be givenB:Having been givenC:Having givenD:Giving 选哪个?为什么? It was ( )that they had to put more clothe.A so clod weather B such a cold weather C so cold a weather D such cold weather 明朝前期,郑和远洋航行体现了什么样的影响 指出郑和船队能够成功远洋航行的技术条件有哪些? my dream of being a teacher ___________(realize)at last I can not think of any good advice to give her为什么不用think up 1.我想不出什么好的建议给他.I can't ______ _____any good advice to give him.2.I can't ____any good advice to give her.A think for B think of C think up D think over第一题的答案给的是 think of 第二题的答案给的是c我怎么 描写霜的成语 描写露的成语 描写天气的成语 霜()()() I want to have a kind of c____ life in the future. (四)泊秦淮1.2.3题怎么写 国内 远洋海运公司有哪些?要远洋的啊.. 郑和七下西洋后,中国的远洋航行就落下帷幕,对此你有什么感想 15世纪前期,中国航海家郑和也进行了远洋航行,这与麦哲伦环球航行的影响有什么不同?1492年哥伦布横渡大西洋,发现美洲,对这一历史事件进行评价. 新航路开辟的前半个世纪,中国历史上发生的重大远洋航行的事件是指什么? You would be sufficient . You would be sufficient . I can never be as good as ..I don’t think my work is as good as..I just want to give up的意思 I think I can give our students a good start a--- life l like the black once it's cool请问中文是? △ABC中三边a,b,c成等比数列,求∠B的范围 菊残犹有傲霜枝(猜一成语) 请问,三角形三边成等比数列,则q的范围是多少?最好有过程. 谜面:菊残犹有傲霜枝 (打成语一) 菊残犹有傲霜枝打一成语 荷尽已无擎雨盖菊残犹有傲霜枝打一个成语在“顾影自怜”,“后会有期”,“孤芳自赏”里找个正确答案,我的作业上是这么写的 英语翻译classroom.She likes ice cream for d_____ after dinner. 第三大题.