
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 00:50:14
为什么要学外语? 我们为什么要学外语呢? 为什么我们要学外语?我们的中文不是最简洁,最能表答感情的文字吗?为什么现在这么多人不愿意学中文,反而放弃自己祖国的语言,而是争着去学什么鸟语?我们祖先的文字有什么不好,是我们中 retail debt怎么翻译如题目 一篇题目为“How to be a greener person”的初三英语作文怎么写?不一篇题目为“How to be a greener person”的初三英语作文怎么写?不用太长的 什么是debt VHDL 语言中 将CLK 频率 改变 语句怎么写process(Clk) begin if(Clk'event and Clk='1') then current_stat 感冒了 给她什么建议 用英语回答 我感冒了.英语怎么说 请用SCALE天平 造个句好吗?最好有意义的 这一句话的scale文章中给的意思‘’是秤‘’,请问这句话怎么翻啊?Diet products allow us to jump over the thinking stage and go straight for the scale instead MATLAB: SCALE = 1.2.^[-10:10]; 这句是啥意思啊? 选择填空 1.They someties( )work very l选择填空1.They someties( )work very late.A、go B、goes to c、go to2.what( )you do after supper?A、does B、do C.is3.He usually has a sh i wanted to have a suit made so i bought three and a half yards of cloth请问yard的用法,是a yard of 吗 然后have a suit made是什么用法,是have a suit,还是have made,到底应该怎么理解,这是什么语法现象 VHDL语言 if(key'event)then a:=a+1; 提示'event不能综合,该怎么改我想表达的意思是:如果key发生变化,a加1.这个语句怎么写 time a its write speech to 排序 ①Sanghai is a beautiful city with a long history对不?②Sanghai is a beautiful city that has a long history这两句对不,是不是定语从句定语从句怎么说 Nanjing is a beautiful () with () history.A.city a long B.countryside a short C.place no Nanjing is a beautiful___________with__________history A city;a long B countryside;a short C placeNanjing is a beautiful___________with__________history A city;a long B countryside;a short C place;no who is this ______(文章)written by? excite 的副词形式 Than flowers are beautiful women 是什么意思 What a big cake!的汉语. you came me after so long before I have been waiting for you是什么意思? beautiful woman 求这个单词的翻译! Do you want_____?A.else anything.B.anything else.C.other anything.D.anything other. I want to go to Beijin.It is ( ) there.括号中应该填什么? He's John friend?He's John friend 哪个单词错了?要改成什么单词? on与about当是“关于”意思时的用法 是 ·问on与about当是“关于”意思时的用法 是 on 与about的用法?两个词当“关于”的意思时有什么区别? 求翻译:When he heard that I'd totaled the family car,Dad began to rant at me like a madman.