
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 11:42:43
以鲜花为内容写一个比喻句和一个拟人句,标清比喻句和拟人句! 寒蝉鸣泣之时里的蝉的叫声发到q you xiang12 72 512 173 ←只能说百度知道越来越垃圾了 弄个you xiang 都不行 求寒蝉鸣泣之时中的蝉叫声要那种可以当手机短信铃音的 为什么管蝉叫“知了”?没觉得叫声很像“知了”啊? Her parents_____(live) far from here.这里填啥?道理,道理!!! I have a cotton shirt.同义句My shirt is ——— ——— ———cotton. dress men's cotton shirt是什么样的衬衫有个老外跟我解释是:i asked you for DRESS MEN'S COTTON SHIRTS.this is a hippi shirt we call it STREET SHIRT ,但是我仍然不理解.. 第5和6小题咋写, You belong with me那个介词with是不是可以用to you belong with me里的男生叫什么Taylor Swift的mvyou belong with me 里的男生是谁叫什么? Steven's,kind,is,of,work,difficult,uncle 组句子标点是句号 There's a concert in the school tomorrow afternoon.的意思 there is concert --- his school?中间用at还是in,为什么? There is a concert ___________the school next Friday. A.in B.at C.on You is belong to you belong to _____ am your English teacher.Please listen to_______.A.I,mine B.I,meC.you,myThe boy draws_______.A.carefulB.carefullyC.be careful- When do you_______?- In the evening.A.play sportsB.playing sportsKate___blue eyes.Her hair_____brown.A.has,isB.has 5和6怎么写 5和6怎么写, trouble to do还是trouble doing I'm having trouble后面接什么?do?to do?doing? 英语:have trouble/problems/difficulty加动词ing还是to do还是done什么时候动名词做主语什么时候动词ing做主语什么时候动词原形做主语形式主语形式宾语什么区别模棱两可,不懂装懂的谢绝回答 I'll never forget it and i never forget it感觉都一样,有什么区别么?我将永远不会忘记它,我从未忘记它?区别是这样么? 5和6填什么? 英语翻译I'll never forget one summer day in 1975.On that day my father suddenly died because of an unexplained illness at the age of 36.Later that afternoon,a police officer came to my house to ask for my father's permission (允许)for the hospi do you think the work will be finished in half an hour?中为什么要用‘finished’过去式啊? It is not__easy math problem.Can you work it out in half__hour a.an,an b.a,a c.an,the d.an a you belong with me 和 you belong to me 具体两句话的区别在哪?表达的意思有什么不同?you belong with me 和 you belong to me 两句话的区别在哪?表达的意思有什么不同?求回答? 你去商店买T-shirt,在与售货员就大小、颜色、价格进行讨论后,你就选定一件红色T-shirt以15元买下.用英语回答不少于8句的对话 英语翻译 英语翻译 英语翻译 Why are you wearing T-shirt?Because it's going tu behot