
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 03:46:38
5个小时能把新概念1册的课文大概背多少篇?第二天新概念补习班就要开课了,寒假没有上新概念,而寒假作业就是要背新概念1册所有没背过的课文(我一共刚好20篇课文没背)寒假我又在完成 我们不要再见面了的英文怎么写 Nantong is _____ south-east of Nanjing . in/on/at /不填 英语翻译这貌似是Leonard Cohen最后一场演唱会了.在他唱完 I your man之后,由于本人不太懂英语.在5分30后他说的话.都听不出,就是5分30秒后到最后结束他说完的话!这是网址.忘记补充了!没哦,不是 ‘不要在这里调情!’的英文翻译 新概念英语的两位作者现任何职? 主题是为祖国喝彩的作文怎么写? fabric composition是什么意思 【高分悬赏】swallow是燕子;sparrow是麻雀,还有没有类似的?特别注明:不是要鸟类的英语,是要结构比较神似的,可以不是鸟类SWALLOWSPARROW↑ ↑↑↑↑↑就是这样的结构,很工整,发音也很像最好 fabric take a percentage 有这个搭配吗?翻译是什么?句子是:Retail businesses have nothing to do but take a percentage of transaction that takes place on the site. every body gets 急 you want to come to the conference?英文正式用语是? by every means 还有by any means 酉加个司是什么字? He read the words _______(slowly) of the three children. 司的两个读音是?组词各是? 问一下关于新概念英语的问题根据功能写出这些房间的名称:We eat our meals in this room_____we keep our small car and bicycles in here____ 有关新概念英语的几道问题1.Why Tom,your shirt is so dirty!Mum ,I ______ my storeroom downstairs.疑问:为什么是was cleaning 而不是have cleaned 这里动作已经结束并且对现在又影响,衣服脏了.2.Listen to the two girls what's the price of your trousers?(改为同义句)___ ___ are your trousers? 关于新概念英语的问题the public has expressed its gratitude to the students in letters to the Press.第一个to the students 和to the press 各是什么结构?为什么要用to 有关新概念英语2的问题额,很惭愧,高一学的很不错,但是分科以后英语就不行了,现在及格都困难了...因为很不适应新老师,也不打算适应了...所以我每天都复习高一的知识点和单词,还想背诵新 (Had I known)you were coming today,I'd have met you at the railway station请问这里为什么要倒装? A:i wish jack were coming to visit us B:you know it's out of his way I'm coming to visit you.和I'm going to visit you有区别吗? Sam doesn't like staying in one place, he always like to go _______[ ]A. nowhereB. somewhereC. anywhere D. everywhere 详解~ 新概念英语2第60课关于标题的疑问标题为THE FUTURE,译作卜算未来,但怎么看都没有那个意思。 新概念英语第二册同步测试卷test17(57~版本别弄错,第一题是连线题的! carry sth through to the end的中文意思哪个GGJJ帮我解解呢~`打错了~应该4成语捏~ "carry sth through to the end. Old Henry didn‘t say anything about his dog 改为同义句