
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 22:09:53
vfp中total命令的用法一个表有三个字段:id date num(数值)假如数据如下:id date numa 9/5/2007 1b 9/5/2007 2c 9/5/2007 5a 9/6/2007 8a 9/7/2007 7如何对这个表按id分类汇总?num求和后date怎么处理?在vfp中有个total a person who is paid to do housework for a family 还有那个paid to do是什么?还有这句话有什么语法解释? The secretary can work in an office. 这句话是什么意思? 求助英语完型第一句为while i was waiting outside my wife's office building,i was a bum coming my way求答案 帮忙找一篇开头是:while i waiting outside my wife's office building …的阅读理解, identity matrix with appropriate size 具有(?)的单位矩阵 图上的appripeite sizes在句中要怎么翻译 谁了解博凌科为的dNTP Mixture each 2.5mM solution主要用于什么? If we often () a person,he'll work harder 实验用博凌科为的dNTP Mixture 10mM each solution需要稀释吗?效果如何? 怎样让文件按创建时间排列 人们书写所用的材料,按时间先后顺序排序1.青铜器2.龟甲、兽甲3.竹简、丝帛 ________ that the trade between the two countries reached its highest point.A) During the 1960’sB) It was in the 1960’sC) That it was in the 1960’sD) It was the 1960’s不应该是强调句型选B么? mixture可数吗? compound和mixture我查字典都是混合物的意思有什么不同,我做科学作业的选择题竟然两个在同一条题里.有什么不同 1.在推导圆的面积公式时,将圆等分成若干份,拼成一个近似的长方形,已知长比宽多10.7cm,圆的面积是( )平方厘米.2.甲乙两车同时从A地开往B地,甲车到达B地后立即返回,在离B地45km处与乙车相 __is known to us all is that relations between the two countries have almost reached boiling point.( my mixture是什么意思? 红军长征途中发生过哪些主要事件(按路线顺序逐个归纳)简要回答 例如飞夺泸定桥 MIXTURE 和SEWERS mixture是什么意思,还有他的动词原形是什么求求你们帮帮我. MIXTURE SEWERS 红军长征过程中三件大事要最典型的 mix与mixture的区别是什么? mix 和 mixture的差别 admixture 和mixture 的区别? mix up sth和mix sth up 有什么区别急死了! combination,mixture,blend怎么区别? 下列事件哪些是发生在红军长征时期的( ) 32._____ that saw the trade between the two countries reach its highest point.A.During the 1990's B.That it was in the 1990's C.It was in the 1990's D.It was the 1990's 选哪个 为什么? 菌体发酵后,怎样提取其中的活菌体,富集并提取,大批量,求思路现有设备:压滤机,烘干机——————不必仅限压滤烘干 不但而且的造句标准一些,别瞎写!