
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 18:38:16
两人在电梯中相遇,怎么用英语进行一个small talk 北京pets 三级的报名时间过了么~下半年的还能报么2012年的啊、 carry的过去分词. 求一些常见的动词的过去分词! We have fun ___ sports A.do B.doing C.to do D.does it never hurts to ask Love until it hurts 这句话的意思Love until it hurts这句话的意思是? 2010下半年公共英语 报名时间北京的 2010年下半年公共英语五级北京报名时间 2010年下半年公共英语什么时候报名啊?嘉兴地区2010年下半年公共英语什么时候报名啊? 请问一下谁知道2011年下半年pets的报名时间啊?不好意思了 我没分了 they test this new car的被动语态怎么变? 情态动词+ have done一定用于虚拟语气吗 情态动词+have done什么时候用 是只用于虚拟语气里吗 阿拉丁与神灯引申意思 它的应用 They will sep up another school this year.She showed me a photo of her family.用英语变为被动语态 改被动语态Someone has taken the stranger to another hospital. be made up of 和make up有什么区别? look finish borrow stay play turn cry的过去分词是什么 finish的过去分词,dropped的反义词, solve的过去分词, stop的过去分词分别是什么?顺便再问下:白雪歌送武判官归京中,愁云惨淡万里凝的凝是什么意思? exciting finish还是exciting finished 为什么不能用过去分词呢? be made up make up 和 make up of意思一样吗 finish,correct的过去分词是什么 finish的过去分词是什么?😂😂 若a=1,b=4,则求交换a和b的值的算法 中文名字是泽(男性),起什么英文名比较好? 求a交b,a并b 好听的英文名(男生)好听的英文名(男生)如题 我的名字叫肖俊晨,英文名最好是和我中文名谐音的,或者事J开头的,有好的我一定会加分 几何题:如图,AB、CD交于E,且AC=BD,∠A+∠B=180°求证CE=DE(有多种方法)要用三种今晚回答! Once there was a boy in Toronto.His name was Jimmy .He started drawing when he waOnce there was a boy in Toronto.His name was Jimmy .He started drawing when he was three years old ,and when he was five he was already very (1) at it .He drew many beau 英语翻译I have over 3000 cards .I keep then inphoto pages in binders .After first ,i only had a few cards ,i bought them when i traveled to other cities ,i could remember the cities that i visited when i saw the cards ,i thought they could bring