
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 20:06:42
当仁不让于师..体现了孔子的什么思想? 异能者存在吗 minister的中文是什么 动漫圈里说up是什么意思 请你下马来喝一杯酒,敢问你要到哪里去的诗句是什么? Being torn up is looked at to consumption.帮我看看:Being torn up is looked at to consumption.可不可以解释为撕开视为消费.这句英文有没有语法错误~ 求Money is the most costful things 辩论词啊要求:要辩论词,最好有中文翻译拉,由于本人英文水平不是很好... 英语翻译Linda Wong wrote in her 1998 book Marginalization and Social Welfare in China."The more distant the location from the centre,the weaker the claim,so that ultimately one did not have any obligation to people unknown to oneself." 英语翻译我国盐业史上的盐业专卖制已有2700余年历史,从战国时期齐相管仲的“盐业专卖”,直至抗战时期实行“盐专卖,民制宫收,商运商销”的制度.期间,著名改革家、思想家辈出,这里就包 雅思的听力和阅读评分准则是什么,就是对几个得几分,最新的,我看网上写的乱七八糟的,想找权威的. 求教雅思高手一个关于听力拼写的问题做过几套剑4,5的题,发现听力里有很多拼写拿不准的内容,例如firewood,woodsite,showroom这样的词,听是听懂了,可我写的时候经常会犹豫,因此常写成fire wood,wood 旎 这个字念什么 请问旎这个字念什么?拜托了各位 谢谢 旎旎读什么音 You can't___(中断)your friendship 选择题 Look( )my flag.It's red and yellow. A.on B.at C.to 这句话又是什么意思?急用,谢谢啦 nokia ovi suite R&D build has expired,please install a new version It ___(blew) fiercely yesterday. And I heard the flag on the square __(flap)all night although I继续接下去____(use) the cotton balls ___(plug) my ears. Don't worry about your height.You____(grow) into a young man as tall as your father. 80.8*10.1-8.08简便计算 日暮汉宫传蜡烛的汉宫是什么意思 这是关于一个人丢了自行车的故事英语怎么翻译 大虾帮我译下:路过帮忙译下吧:我们今天吃午餐庆贺,然后一起去做了massage,我看她们都挺满意的-------谢谢 求漂亮的,少用的字.如“旎” 广东话 旎 字怎样发音 our club meeting starts at four o'ciock是什么意思 Our tomorrow's class meeting ________four parts .(include) 沈从文,作者写这样一个世外桃源式的乡村社会,有怎样的思想背景?他想寻求怎样的理想社会模式?边城的人们是那么善良,翠翠的爱情为什么会以悲剧结束?都要四百字, 以什么什么为荣用英语怎么说,本人英语不好 惑在古文中的意思,病在古文中的意思,槁在古文中的意思,契在古文中的意思 45.I know that Bob is not ...45.I know that Bob is not much of a football player ,but when it _____ to math ,he is among the top three in the class .A .refers B .goes C .concerns D .comesplease translate 用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子:(1)____is important to us.We must have sports to继续上面的keep ____.(healthy)(2)Don't make any ____.It is too ____.(noise) (3)He is very ____ in playing the piano.He thinks it i