
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 20:11:55
贡菜的英语怎么说?还有"和味咸酸"用英语怎么翻译? s.m the ballad miss you mp3 要能放在空间的, 求元素周期表发音拟字如:氢---轻 氦---害 His roar was so () that our blood turned to ice.A.frighten B.frightening C.exciting D.excites That he didn't come ___ our difficulty.A:made B:added C:increased D:gave选什么, [单选题]1.We are very disappointing that he gave a ______ answer to our request for funding.A.positive B.negative C.negligent D.possible 英语填空!不是坑!明天上课!先到先得分!会答哪个答哪个用must not或need not填空 1.You ____open the door of the compartment until the train has stopped.It is very dangerous.2.You ____bother to post those letters for me.I'll be go 1.The ship ___(blow) on to the tocks in the storm.2.The man ___(prompt) picked up the matress and went into his room.3.Could you tell me how ___(get) to the post office?4.Smoking ___(forbid) in public places.5.I like ___ (lie) in the bed till 10 o'cl It‘s now four twenty.Miss Jackson finished her book a quarter of an hour ago.At what time she fini.It is now four twenty.Miss Jackson finished her book a quarter of an hour ago.At what time she finishes it? 求把这段英文字打出来. 有哪个国外聊天软件里的老外很热情,我练口语.有哪个国外聊天软件里的老外很热情,我练英语口语.MSN ICQ 不行 晶粒带是怎么产生的 最好的练口语方式是不是上国际交友网语音聊天? Hi Peter.Hi Sam._____ are you?I'm fine,thank you.______ _______?Fine,thanks.What are you going?I'm going to the Bookcity.______about you?Me,too.Let's go together.OK.Let's ________. 性格色彩绿色偏点红色和红色的人在一起会怎么样 红色加绿色是什么颜色 一种物质形成晶体的条件是什么? 相同物质在不同条件下能生成不同的晶体 “先到先得”英文怎么说? 打100个字用英语怎么说? 请看我的字英语怎么打我真的很爱你、我希望我们能够好好的、彼此说过的话都能做到、我信任你,但是你的做法让我不信任,如果你和我好好的,就象签合同一样说好来、都不违反彼此间的规 英文命字怎么打 波字英语怎么打? 电炉电极有多大的 如何清楚矿热炉电极离电炉底部的距离 电炉钢电极绝缘电阻问题!我单位有一新砌筑的熔盐电炉,用的是钢电极,设计电压20-60V之间(有载调压),电流20KA左右,但是目前测量电极对地电阻时只有50kΩ左右,问是否能通电(目前未加入熔 帮我把下面这几个英文打成非主流字体That's Right 要好看点的哦还有把这个也打一下:沉沦的废墟 把下面字打成英文 曾芳娅 喷绘机出现卡滞现象怎么办? 为什么会出现卡机现象 CD机出现卡机现象怎么办? work ,job,occupation有什么不同?在用的时候要注意什么吗?比如我想说“他的工作是医生.”下面的都可以吗?His work is dorter.His job is dorter.His occupation is dorter.