
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/01 04:46:08
they are our teachers.I am from China.he is my father.she is our mather.we are student 改反问句 我有两年没接触英语了,英语的的词汇量和语法几乎忘光,如果现在要学英语,该从何学起? Oh,your brother has arrived already.I()he ()tomorrow I,this,already,book,read,have连词成句 to,practice,English I,have,more 怎么连词成句?急急急 The girl _____ her mother . I know her mother likes reading,too.A takes after B looks after C similar D takes care 选哪个说明原因 you ,want,look,do,new,have,a,to?连词成句,我英语超烂.- - iIt took me two weeks to finish reading the novel written by Mark Twain.为什么用written为什么用written 而不用 was written 我是一个丢了水晶鞋的灰姑娘,所以我没有幸福 福尼照明有限公司用英语怎么说?福尼用英语怎么说?福尼照明用英语怎么说?谢谢!急!承德福尼照明节能科技有限公司用英语怎么说? "特种光源灯饰有限公司"的英文是什么? 灯光用英语怎么说? Is Millie really a girl out of fashion and not { } 选项A;happy B;helpful C;polite D;clever 帮帮 照明翻译的英文怎么写? 对画线部分提问 The girl in red is Millie.划线部分为in red ____ ____ is Millie? The girl in pink is_______Millie.usual,make,call,real,wool,funny,play,design,good,lie从上面选择适当的单词,并用其正确形式填空. The book is well worthy of being read为什么一定用well The book is well worthy of being read. 想给我的熊娃娃取的英文名字不要句子 The novel_ you are interested was written by Mark Twain.空格填什么 in my opinion,the novel is worth____.A.readingB.to readC.being readD.read 人名Peter Smith,Mary Brown,Chen Jie的First name和Family name分别是什么? 熊姓英文名,可以这样取吗?9月去多伦多读书,自己娶了个英文名,大家帮参考下是否别扭?中文名叫:熊锦城 打算出去后叫 熊彼特,或 彼特熊.老外会不会觉得奇怪?他们会这样叫我吗?还是只叫我 The novel _____ you're interested was written by Mark Twain. Ann lent me an interesting novel by___ Mark Twain this morning .A.written B.was written..为什么不能选B...不是应该解释成被他写么?为什么要用过去分词做定语而不用过去式? name,is,her,family,smith 组成一句话 33.Mark Twain‘s first novel _______ ,written in collaboration with Charles D.Warner and published in 1873,though not an artistic success,gives its name to the America of the post-Civil War period which it attempts to satirize.A.The Gilded AgeB.The cinderella是什么意思啊?我有一个朋友,在好友评论中评论了我这样一个词语 cinderella .我知道它的意思是 灰姑娘 .可是,除了这个意思还有其他的吗?因为她跟我的关系都挺好的.没可能说我是灰姑 Cinderella 是什么 意思 怎么念? 知识就像内裤,虽然看不见,但是却很重要!用英语怎么翻译? 几道高中英语时态填空1.As a good photographer,he ____ many prizes while he was in college.(win)2.I quite appreciate you ____ me out so much during the last project.(help)3.She listened to Catherine ____ to the music of the recorder.(sing)4.D 知识就像内裤一样,虽然看不见,用英语怎样翻译?