
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 09:01:52
最干净的地方一个成语 1.旅游费用(用英语怎么说)2.at the end of(翻译) 反问句和设问句有什么差别 in public 什么意思 public 什么意思 public什么意思 public是什么意思啊?O(∩_∩)O谢谢 through in at on 用在日期前得具体区别 This room is ours,and that one is ________.A.they B.them C.their D.theirs on in at在日期前的用法 也许是英文习语‘Women aren’t faster than men – they just get it right the first time’.如题 3Q linda ()plays with us after school,this is just the first time we have played with her .A.hard B.hardly C.almost D.nearly 帮我看看我写的句子语法有没错关于定语从句的!people whom his friend were gave money to him这句话这么写对吗?还是 people who were his friend gave money to him!另外我从朋友看到这句话he is studying english who is r Is this ruler ____ 1、them 2、jack 3、yours in 、on在时间和日期上的用法 英语句子修改,有无不通顺及语法拼写错误In addition,the policy dont be proveide by government about it .In other words, many graduates complain the lack of job opportunities .Thus,it is important for students to get a job.There are a l 英语翻译 theirs、them、theirs、they 初中3年的介词怎么学?比如IN ON AT WITH 什么的都具体怎么用啊 还是记很多的短语?在用/?比如 在地图上 在黑板上写英语 什么的 ..用IN 还是on After the race____,the celebration began.为什么?请说明原因 Lin Jin got t___ after the 800-meter race After a great many loud explosions, the race began.怎么理解哩.主语 张三和李四共有76本故事书,张三的本书是李四的3倍,张三有多少本?李四有多少本 心理学题:张三属多血质气质类型,李四属抑郁质气质类型,张三和李四的气质是A:张三好 B:李四好 C:一样好 D:无好坏之分 9公升汽油是多钱. 艾青赞美家乡的诗歌 《穷人》佳句欣赏 现代名句欣赏 美国纽约贸易中心大楼遭撞击,写出3个化学变化这么简单也不会 美国“9.11"恐怖袭击事件中,毁坏的建筑物散发出大量石棉……美国“9.11"恐怖袭击事件中,毁坏的建筑物散发出大量石棉,人吸收石棉纤维易患肺癌,石棉的化学式为Ca2MgxSiyO22(OH)2,该化学式中x、y 【紧急求助】一篇关于自制力的英语作文一篇关于自制力的英语作文.最好附上翻译