
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 04:07:10
you should work less------A .and neither should I B .and so should I,C.and nor should I .D.and so I should选哪个?为什么?less 不是否定吗? 再求this发音词霸念zei s,好多都念的不一样,念 资意 斯 还是怎么? this的发音打开百度搜索,为什么英式发音是[i:]的短音,而美式发音却是发[e],到底哪个是对的啊,而且如果发[i:]的短音,不是跟these的发音一样了吗?...........唉 一直想问下this这个到底怎么发音啊到底是立斯 还是英语软件上发的zai斯啊?软件上都是标准发音啊,可是我怎么觉得大家都是说的立斯啊. I'm hungry.Do you have something to ___?填什么I'm hungry.Do you have something to ___?A.eat B.be eaten我凭感觉知道是A,答案也是A.但是这个to不定式做something的定语,应该只有当不定式的内容和句子的主语直接有逻 I'm hungry.Do you have (anything/something).正确是anything,但是建议请求希望对方做出肯定回答应该是正确答案是anything,但是建议请求,希望对方做出肯定回答应该是用something呀!我们老师说是因为一个动 《墓光之城》里歌词When my time comes Forget the wrong that l've donf.问题是歌名叫什么 when my time comes是什么意思?有人说是当我的机会到来,有人说是当我从头开始.我觉得像是当我死去之后.这到底算什么意思啊? when my time comes forget the wrong that i've done help me leave behind some reasons to be missed The twins are twelve.Kate is eleven.怎么换为Kate___the____of___ 怎么填?请会的人行行号快点~如果第一空是as该怎么办? The twins are twelve.Kate is eleven.改为同义句.Kate is the _____ of _____. The twins are twelve.Kate is eleven.(改为同义句),怎么改? The twins are twelve.Kate is eleven.(改为同义句) Kate ____ the ______ of ____. l water my flowers every day.(把主语改成TOM) Mr Black is a teacher.(改为一般疑问句) just at the time when it became obvious that health-care resources could not possibly meet the demands being made upon them.主句是什么,be made upon 理解.麻烦指教. 50的英语怎么说 说说这段话是按怎样的顺序为描写荷花的 荷花阅读答案 读短文说说这段话是按怎样的顺序来描写荷花的?..荷叶间各种姿态的荷花亭亭玉立::有的还只是小花苞,尖儿红红的好像谁在上面抹了一层薄薄的细粉;有的含苞欲放,花瓣之间 荷花怎么写 荷花的描写 关于描写老师的片段 老师外貌描写的片段 高耀太like this 的中文发音 求BoA This is who i am的发音真的很喜欢这首歌. Sam is thirteen years old.(改为同义句)Sam is thirteen years old.(改为同义句)Sam is a ________ __________.注意:一个______填一个词。 同义句转换 Kate is thirteen.Lily is thirteen too. Kate is____ ____ ____Lily. 由数字0,1,2,3,4可以组成多少个三位整数?(各位上的数字允许重复) 北京那个大学的英语课可以旁听? the oceans were open to sailor中文意思是什么? Lily is eleven and Kate is fifteen.so lily is___ ---------Tony and Betty------横线处填什么?(托尼和贝蒂是英国人吗?) Lily is in --- -- -- ---(莉莉和我在三班.) Lily is thirteen.( )sister is twelveWe like ( )teachers very much.( )are very helpfulNick has a lovely dog.( )name is Spotty( )pen is at home.Can you lend me ( )pen?