
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 10:46:35
英文菜谱及做法,强人来,跪谢2、 Beat the egg yolks,orange juice and sugar with an electric mixer for about 10 minutes,until thick and pale,fold in the ground almonds.3、 whisk the egg whites until they hold stiff peaks,fold them into the 电磁铁磁场要达到多大才会被地球吸向两极 如果地球上的磁场消失了,怎样设计个电磁铁来代替地球的磁场? 地震地球失去引力吗? Chen Jie went to beijing by plane的同义句 I went to Beijing by plane with ZhangMing.还是I went to Beijing with ZhangMing by plane.是两个都可以,还是什么?说白了就是翻译句子:我和张名称飞机去了北京. his uncle will go to Beijing by plane.she went to Wuhan by ship.he will go to school by bike.的同义句转换 求marron5——wake up call的中英歌词! 求欧美的探究人性的或人生哲理的电影我本人喜欢这类影片我也喜欢有很多艺术手法的青少年成长的也喜欢.不论年代都行再多给些 "这篇文章给我印象最深的是一句话是"用英语怎么说? 水奔流不息,是哺育一切生灵的乳汁,它好像有德行.水没有一定的形状,或方或长,流必向下,和顺温柔,它好像有情义.水穿山岩,凿石壁,从无惧色,它好像有志向.万物入水,必能荡涤污垢,它好像善 给游客印象最深的用英语怎么说 孔子为什么说水是真君子?源自那篇课文啊? 孔子围绕“水是真君子”这句话讲了水的几个特点?孔子游春这篇课文中孔子论水的真正目的是什么?弟子们领悟到了老师的教诲吗?你是从哪里看出来的? 孔子春游的“水是真君子”是什么意思? 求皇帝和帝王的区别皇帝和帝王哪个大?并且求各自的自称及含义“中国第一个皇帝”和“中国第一个帝王”有区别吗?都是秦始皇? 皇上和皇帝有什么区别? 朝鲜只有国王没有皇帝和皇上? 作文:我心目中的好老师,300字以上,谢谢可怜我的50财富值,呜呜呜呜呜……这可是在百度知道里问问题吸引人的关键之一啊!大家不要辜负,好吗?回答的好可能得到.心动不如行动哦!快来参与吧 was class late lilei for yesterday 连词成句 The students were walking through the door,two at ________ timeA.a B.an C.the D./请说明理由,还有这句话的意思 It's getting d--------.The students were walking nervously.初中英语单词题 The students were in the cinema last Sunday .(改一般疑问句做否定回答) 改成疑问句!例子∶I was nervous before my last exam.Were you nervous before your last exam?⒈The weather was nice last Saturday.⒉My first lesson today was maths. --What do you think of the books in the bookstore?--Interesting!But I can afford ___ of them,because I don't have money.(A).little(B).any(C).all(D).few 选(B)对吗?为什么有老师会有(D)? on days 深圳朝南的房间都晒不到太阳?我想问下深圳的朋友,有没有觉得明明是朝南的房间,但是却很少能晒到太阳?深圳的太阳好像是上午朝东晒,下午朝西晒,而且还有点点偏西北方向,也就是说超西北 on the other day的中文意思 why ___ [be] Kitty late for class this moring?Because she ___[get] up late. she was half an hour late for class this morning because there was () with her bike 至死不渝什么意思? What do people usuall do at Easter?英语回答