来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 12:23:38
Peter is a middle school student.He is tall,and 1.l strong.He usually plays ball games for an hour after school.Then he meets up with Simon,one of his good 2.f ,and they go home 3.t .Peter and Simon are good friends.They often 4.w Peter is a good student except that he is sometimes careless.Peter is a good student 是主语?是个复合句吗? 在单词"field"前的介词是"in"还是"on".不管是用哪一个,希望能给出相应的解释.但是我在《新概念英语》第二册的第七课里面却发现是用"on the airfield",请问是有这种用法,还是书本印刷错误? 已知数列an满足 a1=1,an=2a(n-1)+2^(n+1)+1,证明an+1/2^n为等差数列,并求出该数列前n项的和 with,is,the,field,active,playing,interested,football,on,boy,in,a,football 连词组句 已知数列AN满足an=1 且an=2A(n-1)+2的N次 1求a1a2 (2)证明数列AN/2n次是等差 (30)前N项和SN 已知数列{an}满足an=2a(n-1)+2^n-1 (n>或=2),a1=5,bn=(an-1)/(2^n).(1)证明{}为等差数列.(1)证明:{bn}为等差数列 " - want to say too much,but I know you don't want to listen to. The only thing that interferes with my learningis my education. I don't want to know歌词 Beautiftl scenery on here ,but I will share that only with He is relaxing at home t[his weekend ]对括号部分提问 ____he____at home He is going to look at home.(分别对look,at home提问) i couldn't agree with ______ at the meeting.a.that you saidb.which you saidc.all what you saidd.what you saidi learned cooking ____ my mother .a.byb.toc.fromd.afterafter _______ that experience.a.havingb.havec.to haved.hadsometimes we prepared meals 已知数列a(n)是首项为a且公比q不等于1的等比数列S(n)是其前n项和a(1)2a(7),3a(4)成等差数列求证见下12S(3),S(6),S(12)-S(6)成等比数列. 已知数列{an}成等比,{bn}成等差,且b1=0,数列{cn}满足cn=an+bn,它的前四项依次为1,a,2a,2,求数列{cn}的前n项和Sn We play football on the field.(就划线部分提问.) ------------- _____ ______ you play football?on the field是划线部分 the only thing that ever made sense to me was you We always play football on the playground.就划线部分提问,划线部分为on the playground He is never a good boy,is he?的答句式什么?He is a good boy ,isn't he?的答句又是什么?我明天要考试! Tom is a good boy.He always________ (water) the plants at home. what he said at the meeting yestoday()true A.proves b .is proved c.proced d.was proved 选什么为什么这么选 what he said at the meeting astonished everybody present.这个句子的主从是 what he said 还是 what he said at the meeting i felt is :what he said at the meeting present 在这里是adj 还是VT 是定语 我觉得 everybody present 因该是 他意识到在会上所说的是错误的He _____ ______ _____what he said at the meeting was wrong. 初一上学期德育修养总结(300字左右)急! 求一篇初一上学期的总结!300字以内! 谁有初中一年级英语下册单词1-3单元,有汉语意思,音标 密室逃脱2 第17关 如何得到星星 已知a=(1,-2)b=(3,2),则当k为何值是,向量(ka+b)⊥b 已知a=(1,-2),b=(3,2),则当K为何值时,向量(ka+b)垂直b 男性尿检尿蛋白弱阳性是什么意思 尿蛋白弱阳性代表什么