
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 12:42:46
THE SECRET GARDEN怎么样 THE ANNOTATED SECRET GARDEN怎么样 我吃晚饭没有固定时间.用英语怎么说?不要看有道或百度什么的翻译,他们经常有语法错误 初二英语测试.作文 初二英语可能考什么作文 假设你是李明,请更具已以下提示写一篇60字左右的短文,可是当拓展.1.来自云南,三年前因家庭贫困而辍学:2.希望工程帮助了我,每年为我支付四百元的教育费用:3.在过去的二十年间,希望工 这种红色的是什么花,叫什么? mushroom garden怎么玩的玩了一段时间.去lab也买了东西..就只种出2种蘑菇..怎么种其他的? doctor 什么意思 初二英语短文填空 《我们的梦想》We had a survey about hopes and dreams.(T ) of students across China took part in it.As for hopes,some students would like to start work as (s ) as possible to provide better lives for their parents.Other When prize was songs took Chinese Poland music first pianoLi Yundi,the well-known Chinese pianist,always loued misc.He(1)____born in 1982 in Chongqing.(2)____he was a small boy,he could hum(3)____and different pieces of(4)____.He began to learn the(5 “这是双方的事”英语怎么说,机译勿扰1.这是你们双方的事.(两个人的事)2.这是你们双方的事.(两个个体,比如两个公司、公司和个人等等) 英语翻译“我在输液,实在没力气给你打电话发短信,我昨天已经说我发高烧,也跟你说了,发高烧怎么可能一天就好,你发烧一天就能好吗?” “闹太套”根据口语译过来的,英语怎么说 初二英语短文填空,每空一词,句子开头未分大小写someone says,“time is money .”but i think ( )is more important than money .why when money is spent we can get more again .( )when time is ( )it will never return .that i 根据短文填空选择恰当的词并用其适当形式填空.其中有两个单词是多余的.think,party,like,live,probably,stop,what,sing,he,fly,sun,whyCharles was a middle-aged man.He ____ in a village.Charles was complaining all the time.When 每空一词,句子开头未分大小写Jack lost his job last week .it was difficult for him to find another one .i told him that ( )was possible to get a new one in a town two hundred kilometers ( ).he decided to get there ( )he went to 肩膀用英语怎么说 我的肩膀是你的依靠 用英语怎么说急,相似的也行 我只需要你的肩膀用英语怎么说 我的肩膀好疼用英语怎么说?我的肩膀很疼用英语怎么说? the secret 秘密电影看了那个89分钟的了但是在优酷上面一查咋还有另外的呢!说的也都是大同小异!现在的人啊都是在抢啊!我想问一下这个书和电影是不是有好多人都写呢?电影一共有多少部呢? 这是我的肩膀 用英语怎么说 拍肩膀用英语怎么说 谁能给我一个肩膀用英语怎么说不想让大多数人知道这是什么意思,想来想去,还是用英文比较好 doctor是什么意思. doctor的意思 写十对和这一个样式的词:白雪,雪白.牛奶,奶牛 扶起摔倒的老人 用英语怎么说? 词语 照样子写词 白雪——雪白雪白 我摔倒了用英语怎么说 谁有类似雪白—白雪这样的词越多越好啊!