
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 03:48:52
Ideas for improving my relationships with my family and friends回答问题. 书写成热化学方程式1/2C(g)+1/2H2O(g)=1/2CO(g)+H2(g)...对吗书写成热化学方程式1/2C(S)+1/2H2O(g)=1/2CO(g)+1/2H2(g)。。。反应热数据是对应的,不用考虑,对吗 英语翻译汉译英时用will when you're learning English ,use it,_____you'll won't make great progress.study hard ,_____ you'll pass the exam daniel is a ___with a strong___ ,he never asks others for advice on his ____businessperson/ personality/ personal怎么填 DICTIONARY OF THE KHAZARS怎么样 10.The Great Wall is one of the(?) of the world.(A) sights (B) sight (C) sigh (D) sign 以让明月清风或明月春风为题写一篇作文,不少于500字,或者发个有这题目的作文的网站 谁有一篇以“春风不知真名姓”为题的作文,顺便再给我篇“做好自己人生的船长”作文 雅思 Task2 WritingModern technology means that women can replace men in nearly all jobs.How far do you agree with this statement?Along with the rapid development of technology,there is a arguement that women can replace men in nearly all jobsalthou susan said to me i will go to the supermarket.改为间接引语 剑桥雅思7 Writing里的一个问题Test1 Writing Task2 的Model Answer中有一句“However,some people believed that innate talent is what differentiates a person who has been trained to play a sport or an instrument,from those who become good ielts writing?谁知道 雅思A类 Task 如题现在的雅思A类Task1是不是没有考流程图和示意图了,只考几种表格. 在一个aL的密闭容器中,放入2LA气体,1LB气体,在一定条件下反应,3A+B=nC+2D,反应平衡以后A浓度减少到原来的一半,混合气体的平均相对分子质量增大1/8倍,问n是多少 ____must we _____our bicycle我们得把自行车放哪?英语对话:___you free now?yes,i ___.let's go___now.look,___is a ___on the board。 Judging from what he has said , the house _____his need admirably. A. provides B. satisfies C. cont 令人吃惊的事情是,听到世界上许多动物都处于濒危状态 They will go to see Mr.Li if they are free tomorrow.(保持原意)They will_____ Mr.Li if they have____tomorrow. You will go{ }[see] Mr Brown in an office there.请快回答, They will go to the () and see the new film. 王者一词何解? “心态”一词何解?关于心态,在生活上要有什么心态去做会更好,更快乐.在工作上怎么做会更好 朋友一词/何解/怎看……? What the mean is "yesterday once more ",and who is the singer of the song Answer my question 中国北方地区哪座城市(含县市)中水域面积最大?比如;山东聊城有“江北水城”之称;山东临沂城内有数条河流通过,其中包括山东第二大河等等.有具体数据的可以提供.市区内的水域面积 全世界平均每天濒临几种动物 什么事李约瑟之谜,为什么近代科学技术和资本主义产生在西方而不是东方? () troubles him is () he should ask for help.是二个从句吗?好晕啊,一点思路也没有,救命啊 中国占领北京等北方地区后北京话.等北方地区方言.在几千年来有没有太大改变我只知道江南地区是汉族人的发源地.也就是说北方地区原先不是中国的.你听懂了吗这有什么好尖锐的知道就知 怎么区分是不是电解质啊? 北京在古代属于“中原地区”还是“北方地区”?