
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 06:04:36
英语语法与英语句子结构问题Mukesh Ambani,India’s richest man,is the biggest loser among the country’s billionaires as the rupee’s slump to record lows erased 24 per cent of his fortune.上面的这个英语句子从as the rupee's. 在商业英文短信中在不知道别人姓名的情况下怎么称呼 英文短信称呼用英文发信息和打电话一样吗?要用who is that 还是who are you this is...还是i am...短信息。短信息 初一英语作文 我的朋友 求例文?3Q 初一英语会考什么作文 要有范文 初一英语写信作文范例请你们大家帮帮我啊!1 the report has s___ that more and more people have chosen to have their own business 英语翻译 In england people don not usually talk too much we all felt ___when we heard the ____ news 想买一本英文书请人翻译书名因为不确定书名不知是不是想要的 Articles on the return of the condor heroes.这是书名,那它到底是神雕侠侣的译本还是关于它的评论? 上海松江区最好的初二物理补习班?翟蓑 英语翻译这是一篇名字叫My Neighborhood Bird 的完形填空的句子, 甲、乙两数之和是35.75,甲数的小数点向左移动一位后就等于乙数,则甲数是( ) 为民工程队和益民工程队为友谊村修一段通村公路,为民工程队修的是益民工程队的1.4倍,比益民工程队多修37.6米.益民工程队修多少米?为名工程队修多少米?(用方程解写出过程)谁最快我就 clothes,spent,last,Ruth,money,on,year,much如何连词成句 古诗大全 秋夕 she spent too much money in clothes wht can i do become fanmous 改错 They could not understand whu he spent so much money on clothes. 用汉语怎么说啊 古诗大全 最好是小学的.O(∩_∩)O谢谢 I came here _____ to tell you the good news that you had won the first prize in the singing contestA.particulary B.specially C.especially D.peculiarly The news___he got the firs prize was true.正确答案填that.为什么不填what? 上海最好的高二数学补习班应该是哪个? 上海高二数学补习班哪一个实力较强?想找个好的补习班,谁能推荐一个啊? 有关爱国思情的古诗大全 古诗大全,要写出介绍作者,诗越多越好,拜托了·····老非要叫我们每人做诗集···好的再加10分各位老大哥大姐是要介绍作者,解释的··· Mother can hardly believe the news改成反意疑问句 i can h----- believe that the news can't be ture When I first ______ (hear)the news,I______ (can not ) believe it.要原因 We could hardly believe the truth,_____?A could you B could we 已知(x²+px+q)(x²-3+q)的乘积中不含x²和x³项,求p、q的值. 应该如何教育孩子助人为乐