
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 03:38:56
我是少数民族 小白兔奶糖的成分里有没有猪油 7与4的经济含义是什么麻烦告诉我 铁路路基图中H=+2.610 A=+27.05+4.89 favourite food 写篇作文 50个字就行明天的考试题目啊 我是个好学生 不是抄 只是看看而已 意思也要够好 再追加50分啊(大家支持工作啊) Would you like tea for milk and sugar(改错)(Would) you (like) tea (for) milk (and) sugar(改错) Sport is good for health 还是 Sports is good for health 如果用sports,要不要改成 Sports are good for health. would you like chinese tea_____ sugar and milk sir? 除了七上八下还有七什么下的四字成语? 形容整个大陆的局势十分紧张的成语或者词语不仅仅是一个片面,而是针对整个大局的成语好像有个风什么的 求英语Is sport really good for us? 辩论的正反方开场陈词与总结陈词需要正方和反方的开场陈词与总结陈词..谢谢 含有一对反以词的成语 —Would you tell me( )you want your tea,with sugar or milk?—Sugar,please.A.whether B.when C.what D.how该题正确答案应选D,说明其他几项为什么不对, I think ______good for us. 单项选择:I think sports (1)______ good for our health.I (2)______ them every day.(1)A.is B.are C.has(2)A.see B.meet C.play需说明理由 they think sports games are good for health翻译成中文 Lle是什么代号 you'lle什么意思 这个lle全拼是什么? 甲乙两仓库的货物重量比是7;8,如果从乙仓库运出18吨,从甲仓库运进6吨,那么甲仓库就比乙仓库多14吨,求甲乙两仓库原有货物各多少吨? “1 3 6 7 9 6 2 4 6 4”这组数字是什么意思“1 3 6 7 9 62 4 6 sport is really good for our health 5分钟演讲稿从三个方面~1.physical health2.mental health3.social health 翻译it is really good for 根据下面的词语写诗句:一泻千里 万紫千红 柳暗花明 根据下面的词语写诗句.1.一泻千里:2.万紫千红:3.柳暗花明: 根据下面的词语写诗句.一泻千里,柳暗花明,万紫千红. 根据下面词语写诗句.1.一泻千里_______ 2.万紫千红_______ 3.柳暗花明_______ 形容一泻千里的诗句,形容万紫千红的诗句,形容柳暗花明的诗句 1.I don’t know .A.what does he like best B.what he like best C.what he does like best D.whatI don’t know _____A.what does he like best B.what he like bestC.what he does like best D.what he likes best 选卅子? Would you like ___ more coffee I'm sure you would.A.much B.any How would you like your coffee?--How would you like your coffee?-- _______ .A.It is well done.B.Very nice.C.One cup.That's enough.D.The stronger,the better.单选题哦 1、水结成冰后体积会增加十分之一.现有121立方米的冰,结冰前水的体积是多少?2、一份稿件,小明录入了五分之三后还剩700字,这份稿件有多少字? 《揠苗助长》是一个什么样的故事? 问说 文言文点击的答案.